Forward - I Shall Remain Silent No Longer

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From the Eye of the Hurricane is an intimate collection of work. These stories have been written by me, about me, and for me, although I believe that others will find themselves and comfort from within the collection.

Writing these stories over the years has been cathartic and a wonderful healing process for me. I began writing to relieve the pressure that was building up inside me. As the stories evolved, my healing process continued and the desire to share these stories with others grew stronger. Now, almost twenty years from when the first story was written, they continue to be an important part of my history, of why I am the person I am today.

I have been fortunate to have wonderful people supporting and teaching me throughout this journey. I want to thank them for their unconditional support and caring, and for standing by me on the tough days. I look forward to each new experience with them and as I grow with every new experience, so will this collection of stories.

For those of you who feel alone, I say to you, you are not alone, you can surround yourself with people who care…it is scary to reach out and be vulnerable and let someone know that you need someone to listen to you, to support you, to believe you…but I am here to tell you that it is worth the risk. I would not be alive today had I not taken that one (what felt to me – final) risk. In hindsight, there were many angels just waiting for me to ask for help, waiting and wanting to support me but I needed to ask, to reach out and to risk. I have dedicated several of the stories in From The Eye of The Hurricane to my angels, so if you feel like you are alone, start with those stories and reach out, you deserve support and people surrounding you who care. And, if you do not yet believe that you deserve the support and people in your life who care – well then, just act as if. Act as if you believe and soon you, too will believe, and you will not be alone any longer.

And finally, to all of the perpetrators without whom this collection would not have existed I say:

I shall remain silent no longer…

From The Eye of The HurricaneWhere stories live. Discover now