1 - New beginings

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Rachel Garner

I sat in the passenger seat of our car my mom beside me in the drivers seat as we drove the last fifteen minutes of our exhausting road trip. Our destination was so close and It was a true relief, the thought of being able to finally stop driving after three days on the road and sleeping in hotel rooms. I just wanted a comfy room to stay in where I could lay out my stuff and do what I want without worrying about losing my belongings in a filthy hotel.

We are finally reaching the pack house where my mother received a job offer as pack doctor, a pack doctor is someone who heals werewolves, our old pack recommended my mother to the alpha of this pack and he was interested, typically we stayed outside of the pack house but this particular pack thought it would be best to have us in the house at all times encase of an emergency. In my opinion that was a smart choice, I've witnessed it myself, a pack member was injured and by the time my mom made it to the house and into the infirmary, he flat-lined. The pack was devastated, they lost a beloved member, but I think it was also a way for them to realize they need to have a doctor present at all times.

Pack doctors are always human, only a select few families and blood lines are exposed to the supernatural world and my family was a chosen blood line. The reason humans are doctors is because we are not connected to victims and patients by a pack, for example if a wolf was a doctor and a pack member came in, it would be hard for the wolf to think straight as a doctor, the connection through the pack link would have emotions controlling him. So humans do the healing as a way to keep feelings at bay.

The process for becoming a doctor is different in the supernatural world. If your child wishes to become a pack doctor then he/she will learn from the doctor for five years, off of books and hands on learning, after the five years are up they are tested by a panel of elder wolves who are familiar with medicine, and if they pass that test than they become recognized as a doctor and assigned a pack.

That was my plan, I wanted to follow my parents foot steps and I knew I could, however I asked mom if I could start after this summer is over, after all I had just graduated and I wanted to relax before learning began.

"Sweetie, we're here." My mom tapped my hand, drawing me away from my thoughts. We finally arrived at the Mercer pack, our new home.

I looked out my window to be welcomed by a beautiful sight, the house was so big and beautiful you wouldn't dare call it a house, it was the size of a castle and it probably was at some point. It was entirely made up of grey stone, it looked old but still modern, there was a drive way that seemed big enough to hold 40 cars. It was stunning.

A man walked outside with a genuine smile on his face, he was incredibly tall standing at maybe six foot three, he had broad shoulders and he had a slight tan. His hair was a light shade of brown and his eyes were a vibrant green color, he greeted us as we opened the doors of the car and stood in front of him.

"Hello, my name is Michael Hoffman, but you could call me Mike, I'm the beta, of the Mercer Pack." Beta, he was second in command? By the way he looked I would have guessed he was a first in command alpha but I suppose his lack of overwhelming dominance explained his position. He extended his arm to my mom and with a smile she shook his hand.

"Elaine Garner" She introduced herself and turned to me. "This is my daughter, Rachel."

It was my turn now to shake his hand , I gingerly placed my small hand into his large one and I mimicked the smile on his face.

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Mike." I replied kindly.

"The pleasure is all Mine, how was your trip? Not too tiring I hope?" He questioned, his eyes swaying from my mom to me.

"Not too bad, we are just tired of sitting for so long." My mom responded and I nodded in agreement, I can't count to you the number of times I lost feeling in my butt, it was annoying.

"Well, now you're here and free to roam about." He said with a chuckle. "Well someone will take your things to your rooms and I will direct you to it briefly, however, I was ordered to bring you two to see Alpha Mercer first so you could sign some contracts and so he could get to know you before you get settled in.

He led the way as mom and I nervously followed, I was always terrified of meeting an alpha, they were always loud and intimidating, they frightened me beyond explanation. My mom was less nervous than I, she always dealt with alphas and they didn't intimidate her as much because they all respected her, and her work.

We rounded a few halls and I was too focused on my thoughts that I didn't have time to admire the beautiful halls and beautiful decor.

"Here it is. You two can enter and I will check on your stuff." He waved goodbye as my mom knocked the door, with the silver plaque that said "Alpha Creon Mercer." (Cree-on) My heart nearly beat out of my chest when a loud and dominant voice erupted.

"Enter." He demanded.

My mother turned the door handle and walked in before I did. I was greeted by a light breeze and grey walls with painting of men on hung up, previous alphas was my first guess.

My attention finally left the painting and roamed over to the mahogany desk in the middle of the room, where a brown haired man was furiously writing away on some piece of paper, not glancing at us, his shoulders were broad and his muscles moved with every letter he wrote. His physique was exactly the kind an alpha should have.

"Sir?" I spoke when I realized my mom was too busy staring at the paintings, to address the man. I was kind and respectful with my tone knowing not to challenge the alpha with my choice of words, I mean I knew I couldn't just call him Creon right off the bat.

His head shot up as soon as the words left my mouth and grey eyes met my blue ones. I smiled at him and introduced my mom and I, unsure where the confidence was coming from because it was only in my voice, I was really shy. I felt butterflies erupt from my stomach and the fact that he was incredibly handsome did not help.

"My name is Rachel Garner, and this is my mother, Elaine." His eyes never left mine as he stood up to his full length. His height made all my confidence cower away.

"Mrs. Garner, do you mind giving Rachel and I a minute alone?" I stared at my mother and then back at him, I didn't want to be left alone with him, I don't even know what kind of person he is. I mean the whole US knows the Mercer's are respectful and can not be taken advantage of, but are they kind, or are they stern, was he going to hurt me or yell at me? Was I disrespectful with my introduction?

"Sir, May I ask why my mom must leave?" I asked him, not looking at him but at his nose, I couldn't look him directly in the eyes, I was terrified at this point

"Mrs. Garner please exit the room." He said to my mom, his voice firm, he was gripping the desk so hard his knuckles went white. My mom nodded then abides his demand and leaves the room silently.

"Sit." He said with the same stern voice.

"Yes, sir." I took the seat closest to me and furthest from him. My eyes glued themselves to the floor and I sat there not daring to make a simple move. I felt his eyes on me and it made my heart beat quicken and I couldn't help but blush.

"Look at me, Rachel."

I obeyed.



So guys, I'm really excited to be writing this story, I feel like I've grown so much since writing THM and I promise to be more organized with this story than the last.

As many of you may know from my last story, I love humor, and I try to Include it wherever I can, so Do not be shocked when the alpha cracks a joke, I Like comedy and Im not going to make these characters all stiff and grumpy, I want to make people laugh.....!!!

Thanks so much for reading.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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