Chapter 1 (Sample)

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This chapter is dedicated to SidorelaHasa and her awsome cover making skills.Thank you hunny.

Thank you hunny

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You are not going to really eat that, are you? "

I raised an eyebrow looking at Jack who was smirking at me holding the plate and fork in front of him.

"Hell yes. You are soo going to loose that bet and I will be 50 dollars richer."

Looking at his plate my face converted on a disgusted look and I scrunched my noise not bearing the awful smell.

"Jack, you won't be able to put just a piece of that on your mouth, let alone eat all of that."

"Of course I will, these are my favorite meals, the only difference is that they are all mashed together.
They taste good separately, it's obvious they will taste like heaven together." Jack tried explaining at me letting an annoyed huff.

"That contains steak , sausages ,bacon waffles, cerals, milk ,Nutella and honey. Why do you think that would taste good you Idiot"

This is useless , when I bet 50$ on him to eat that I didn't think he would really try, but now seeing him all ready I realise that he really is an idiot.

"Prepare the money Miss Angel , cuz you are about to go down." Winking at me he grabs the fork and pushes it on the plate grabbing some of the mashed food while his eyes are still at me.

Putting the fork inside his mouth I smirk waiting for his reaction.


The fork falls on the floor as Jack starts letting disgusting sounds from his mouth, spitting the food on the plate and rushing to drink the glass of water.

Little does he know...

"What the hell?" This time he spits the water out and starts coughing as he glares at me.

"Oops someone must have dropped some salt on the water" I smile innocently at him fluttering my eyelashes.

"Your name should have been Devil ,not Angel " He shouts as he shakes his head still coughing a little.

"You better fly or I'm going to kill you right now." He continues throwing me a glare.

Oh boy.

"When you come to kill me please don't forget to bring $50 that are mine now"

His glare becomes bigger as his starts sprinting towards me making me do the same.

"Damn you Jack." I whisper to myself looking on the mirror.

My hairs are all tangled and have leaves and dirt on them,while my tshirt has holes on the back and is ripped near my shoulders.
My jeans were all ripped and scraped at the knees because of tripping and then falling down from the roof of the house...

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