It'll wear you down

387 11 3

A/N this chapter is hella short (276 words including the A/N) but feels so incredibly long. I'm so sorry omg it sucks ass but after I lost all my work twice I couldn't be assed with it. Sorry but hey look an update.


"Where the hell is Josh?" I cursed lightly. He hadn't shown up to health since the morning he took off down the hall. That was 2 days ago. And now, as I sat in the back of the classroom eagerly hoping he would show up, I began to worry more than ever. I was exhausted, I hadn't slept. His disappearance had entirely worn me down. I stared intently at the clock. With each second, my gut wrenched and fear flooded through my body in rhythmic bursts. That clock was no longer just a clock.

It was a bomb.

Each tick was one second closer to sudden death.  My chest progressively tightened with every passing second.





Josh had me so worked up.
I had just met him.
Yet somehow it seemed as if he was holding the seams of my heart together. As if he was holding the key to deactivating this bomb. And now he had just one minute to detonation, just one minute until the seams burst, causing me to explode.






30 seconds






10 seconds

10. Josh please

9. I cannot do this

8. Where are you

7. Please

6. Oh god

5. What if

4. I stood up

3. No

2. I grabbed my bag

1... I threw it over my shoulder

0. And I ran

Push (Josh Ramsay)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora