The Greatest Gift of All

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「 The Greatest Gift of All 」
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀〈 told by Ciel Phantomhive 〉
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ 【 すべての最大の贈り物 】

My father was the type of man you don't meet every day. The air about him was kind, yet firm. His smile glowed like the sun, and made you feel warm. In his hands, he held unlimited power. Even so, I have yet to meet someone so humble as he. Behind his dark eyes laid even darker secrets. He made it look easy to cover up the evil he witnessed every day. Despite society's ideas about what he was, his manner made them question whether the rumors were even true. He was regal and dignified, joyful and humble, truly one of a kind. His death, though, was in frightening contrast to how he lived his life. He was murdered in cold blood, and all he ever showed was charity. Somehow, for some reason, his friend turned on him before his foe, stealing the very breath from his lungs. Why? I have asked so many times. Why could his fate have not been blessed, as if he only did wrong on this earth? It's not fair that he died that way, it's not fair, the hand he was dealt. One thing I remember clearest about my time spent with my father was that, no matter how busy he was, he always had time for me. He made sure I knew that he loved me, and that I would never spend life alone. I sometimes wonder if he still would have said that to me if he had foreseen his coming demise. But, I know he'd never say something he didn't mean. I will never let our family name die, I'll never let his flame burn out. After all he did for me, this is the least I can do for him. - ♛

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