What You'll Wanna Know First

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Um. It's called Teal because this is a story about being able to share experiences...and so I mixed their eye colors and wala. It's like...have you ever been having a great day and suddenly wanted to show someone else how you felt? Have them slip into your body/mind and experience it themselves? Well in this weird-aśs AU, you can actually post a link (taken by your finger scan) to your experience for your friends to live out. And if it's you remembering something (you have to be able to remember it really well), you can do that, too.

Idk, I just really like taking stupid ideas and making them seem less stupid. We'll see how this goes. The more support I get, the more likely I'll be to continue.

I love feedback. Like...make me feel loved, don't be a ghost reader. Unless you want to be...in which case...I mean. As long as you enjoy that story, that's what matters.

I'm sure more will appear here as I get a better idea of where I want this story to go. I'm simply posting this to make sure I have it saved and here for when I get the general idea down. Soon tho, I promise.

Have a suggestion for it? Awesome, I'd love to hear it! Drop me a message. I'll love you forever.
Okie dokie.
All my love x. ~C

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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Teal (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now