How are you

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You were walking around London, lost might I add. You had lost your butler (B/n) while walking around together In a rather massive crowd. Well, you wondered off while looking at the elegance of London. You walked around for a bit until you felt a light tap on your shoulder. Mentally preparing yourself for the worst to encounter you turn around to see a tall man with jet black hair and ruby eyes, he was wearing a butler's outfit, maybe he was some that could help you, he did seem nice enough but you kept your guard up. "Do you need any assistance, Madam?"  He said as he looked into your (e/c) eyes. 'Ah yes eye contact is very important here, I'll keep that in mind for next I go out" You thought to yourself. As you looked into his eyes, visibly slightly taken back from his sudden question. (You're a person that speaks when you feel like it or when you fully know a person.) 

You were going to say something when you suddenly heard your butler (B/n), calling your name. He was right behind you within three seconds, 'Always a few steps behind me like always' you thought as you turned your head to look at him. "My lady, why did you run off?" Your butler asks you as you pulled a sad face, you never liked to cause mischief for your servants. "I'm sorry, I was just interested in the sites of London that I started wandering on my own," You said as you put your head down in shame. "Please stay where I can see you, your mother and father would have my head if they knew I almost lost you," He said shivering at the thought. This caused you to chuckle in your thoughts but you nodded, understanding that your parents would not mind punishing a servant. 

Though you didn't like to cause trouble, some servants were never to your liking because of their like of respect or lack of discipline. You snapped out of your thoughts as your butler turned to see the man you were about to talk too. "I am (B/n) and this is my lady (Y/n), heir to the (L/n) company. I am the head butler of M'lady household. It is nice to meet you and I do apologize if my lady caused you any trouble you" (B/n) said, bowing, showing his respect. The gave a closed-eyed smile as he chuckled a little. "I am Sebastian Michaelis, head butler of the Phantomhive Manor, it is very nice to meet you and not at all your lady did nothing wrong. " Sebastian said. Your eyes slightly widened as you have heard that name before. 'Phantomhive...I think I know how that is" You thought as you and (B/n) bid Sebastian farewell.

Unknown to you that you would be encountering Sebastian and others shortly. Oh, how there would be many turns of events for you while in the depths of London and the secrets that she withheld. For lady London always had something to hide...always something to hide.









At least in the eyes of someone normal. 

(Heh, yeah I know I'm a bad author for not updating in two years so yeah, I'm reworking every book I have made so far since being on here for the past 4-5 years.)

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