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Heavily intoxicated blood pumped through his body, while the beads of sweat trickled along his jawline on their own accord. As the muscles on his back flexed up and down, matching every rhythm of his movement, her grip on his back remained sturdy, but just not strong enough to leave any marks behind.

With a final sloppy push against her, he decided to let their sweaty bodies part. His clammy body collapsed onto the empty space beside her on the bed, as the sound of intense pants filled the room. It was only moments until sleep became company to the existing drunkenness in their bodies, allowing the exhausted duo fall into a deep, deep slumber.


The night had transformed into a beautiful morning, the golden rays of sunlight peeking through the narrow parting between the curtains in the room. The alcohol although now completely worn off from their bodies, was sure to leave behind an after-effect that awaited them.

The king-sized double bed seemed unnecessarily large for the pair, as both lay nestled on one side of the bed, heads resting comfortably on the same pillow. As the brunette lady began stirring in her position, her hair tickled slightly at the blonde haired man's chin, gradually beginning to roll him into consciousness.

He pressed his lips into her knotted hair, quietly whispering the name of the woman he loved.

"Brynn," He mouthed very inaudibly.

The peck was the only thing the lady had perceived, a smile involuntarily finding its way on to her lips, as she let her fingers wander about the hairs that festooned his torso. Her lips felt the need to leave a loving kiss onto his neck, as the man's stout fingers tenderly traced along her bare back.

It was the unusual amount of stirring and an acutely different feel of his woman's skin, that began driving concern into the half-asleep guy's mind. A harsh headache soon overcame his forehead, reminding him of the insane amount of alcohol he had consumed the night prior; his eyes eventually fluttered open from the pain's intensity.

The girl's drowsy eyelids parted as well, as she allowed her smiling self to have a glance of the man she was so adoringly holding on to. Just as her hazel eyes met his ocean blue ones, all the bliss had turned into nothing, but a surging amount of alarm.

"Niall!" She exclaimed in a whisper, as he cried "Cath!" at the same time, in a terrified tone.

Jolting his body off her, he sat upright in utter shock, hoping to himself that this wasn't reality but an absolutely crazy dream. Repetitive 'no's reiterated inside his mind as he found himself in absolute denial.

Dumbfounded eyes gaped at his dreadful face, as she distanced herself from him on the bed, pulling the lush blanket to cover her entirely exposed chest.

"What have I done..." Trembling fingers clutched into his disheveled hair, as he found it impossible to accept what he had done. It simply couldn't be; this just wasn't who he was.

Cath, on the other hand, found no words to utter.



This novel is the SEQUEL to my first novel, Shattered. Although it would make sense if you read the books in any order, I would recommend reading Shattered first, to really make the most of the series.

Now, to my old readers, I know I always said I wouldn't be doing any sequels to Shattered, but I've lately been feeling like reconnecting with my old story characters and there couldn't be a better way to do so :)

I've come up with a plot that I'd never really thought of when I finished Shattered almost 2 years back. So yeah, hope to see old and new readers around and really hope this book lives up to the previous one's standards!

Just putting it out there: I will be deciding whether to go ahead with this story or not based on reader response. x

- S xxx

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