chapter 17

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"When's Scooter coming?" B asks, running a comb through her damp hair.
"Any minute." I sigh, pulling a shirt over my head.
She eyes me in the mirror "You tell Za and Twist to leave?"
"No, but I told them to stay outta sight."
"You know they're gonna pop up. Those two can't listen for shit." She rolls her eyes.
"I just told you I told them to lay low, alright? Don't fuckin' start with me." I snap and then instantly regret it. "Sorry baby..." I apologize, wrapping my arms around her from behind "I'm just stressin' about Scoot...this ain't gonna be pretty."
Her head tilts back for a kiss "I know babe."
"Aye yo!" Twist yells coming down the hall, "Ain't nobody got any motha fuckin' orange juice." He strolls into the room adjusting his pants "How's a nigga 'sposed to get his breakfast on without any oj? Damn."
"What the fuck bro?" I snap again, without regretting it this time around "I just told you to stay the fuck in your room two fucking minutes ago. You stupid?
Bobbi shakes her head "There's a brand new bottle in the door of the fridge Twist."
"Is there? I didn't see it girl...thanks." His eyes travel down her body and then back up slowly.
"Fuck your breakfast. Get back in your room...Scooter's coming." I order, stepping in front of her to block his view.
"nah man...he already here. Waitin' on yo ass downstairs." He says casually as he saunters out.
"Shit." I mutter "Here we go. You comin?"
"Yeah..." she nods "Let's get this over with."
We find him waiting in the front living room, staring out the window with his hands clasped behind his back.
"Keep yourself out of trouble last night?" He asks when he sees me.
I drop down on the couch "Yep."
"Huh..." he raises his eyebrows "First time for everything I guess." adding "You can go, this is between Justin and I." when he notices B.
I hold and wave my hand at her, silently telling her to sit "Don't be a dick Scoot."
"Oh I forgot. Romeo and Juliette right?" he says condescendingly "You ever think of trying to keep this kid's head on straight or are you just like the 'lil punk ass twins'? You realize how bad this is for him? How much worse it's about to get? The media is having a field day."
I raise my voice "Why you always gotta give her such a hard time man? If she had a dick I'd tell you to hop the fuck off it."
He ignores my comment but shifts his focus off her "Speaking of those two..." he points upwards indicating Za and Twist who he seems to know are upstairs "They need to go. Get them out. Today. Nothing but fucking trouble. I told you from the start."
"You act like I committed murder or some shit!" I yell, throwing my hands up "I smoked a little weed Scoot...fuck!"
"Calm down J..." she whispers beside me.
"Yeah, I'm sure that's all it was." He retorts sarcastically "Do you have any idea of the shit you're in? You're still facing charges, did you forget that? And here's another little bit of exciting news for you. The label is furious...I've barely slept since your latest stunt. Been on the phone getting my ass handed to me. They want you drug tested every single day. I did a little talking and got you out of that one simply because it'd end up getting out somehow inevitably, but that's where we're at. Look if you want to smoke let's do it legally...we live in California, its not that hard to get medical permission."
I drop my head in my hands "Yeah maybe Scoot but I know alright? I fucked up...but I got this okay? It won't happen again."
"You got this?" he repeats quietly "I'll tell you what 'you got' you've got your ass in a sling...and mine too while you were at it. What is it kid? You need rehab? Because I think we could manage to work that out on the low...maybe that's best."
"Rehab?" I snap "Are you fucking kidding me with this shit bro? The fuck do I look like? Lohan? Come the fuck on."
"Look..." he softens his tone "I'm not here as your manager...I'm here as Scooter. It's just me kid. What's going on? If you need help, let's do it. Fuck everything else...this is getting hard to watch. I'm worried. Everybody's worried. You've got too much talent Justin...more than I've ever seen, but this isn't good, and it just keeps getting worse."
"I don't need help." I hiss "I fucked up is all. And you don't even know why I did what I did to that mother fucker but he deserved it and'll have to just trust me on that one. Drop the rehab bullshit though. I ain't even tryin' to hear that stupid shit."
He looks me over as I slump back against the couch, folding my arms defensively. He knows me well enough to know I'm done. Anything more he has to says won't be heard. I've shut him out.
"Alright Bobbi..." he shifts his eyes to her "On another note. Obviously Mr. I got this over here won't be needing your professional services for a little while and I could really use and extra set of hands for the Wanted boys on their tour. I'm short handed and it's a mess. What would you say to jumping on board to help out for a few weeks? I just need someone who knows their shit on location with them."
"Well..." she begins tentatively "I..."
I cut her off shortly "Nope! No. Not happening."
"Justin..." she says softly.
I whip my head around "No. End of discussion."
"Listen Kid..." Scooter leans forward "I could really use her. I can't be dealing with any fuck up's with their tour while I'm dealing with this mess you're in."
B's hand reaches for mine "Let's just discuss it J."
I take her hand for a second, then release it with a little 'I love you' squeeze, rise to my feet and start from the room "Discuss it all you want. It's still not happening."


Scooter looks at me and shakes his head. "I don't know what to do with him anymore Bobbi. You got any suggestions because I'm at a loss right now."

He's right and I really don't know what to say "I think he will listen this time to be honest Scooter. He's scared to death of going to jail so maybe this has scared him enough. He's impossible to talk to because trust me I have tried over and over again. He just shuts me down each time."

He sighs and leans back in his seat a little. "I never thought he would turn out like this. I know he's a good kid but anyway, regardless...About this tour? I nod for him to continue on.

"It would be a really huge help to me to have you on board with this. You're really good at your job and I think you are just what the guys need."
Looking down at my lap I start to think it over. I'm not completely opposed to the idea. I love being on the road and it would be good for my career. There isn't much I can do for Justin while he's stuck here at home and I couldn't stand the thought of living off him. It's just not in my nature. I look over my shoulder to see if Justin is around but before I can answer Scooter he's already speaking again.

"Listen Bobbi, how about you come down to the office and we can talk it over there?" He looks over his shoulder. "We can speak more freely there and how about I get the boys together and we can meet them for dinner. Maybe that will help you make a decision."

Nervously I twirl my hair around my finger. The last thing I want to do right now is piss Justin off but maybe this is exactly what he needs. Maybe this will be a wake up call for him. "Yea that sounds great. I have to run up and change. Do you want me to meet you there or...?

He waves me off. "No, I can wait for you. You can just ride with me."

"Cool, I'll just be really quick." He pulls out his phone and leans back into the sofa to wait for me.

When I make my way up the steps and into the bedroom I find Justin laying across the bed. "Is he gone?"


He sits up and cocks his head to the side as I start pulling my clothes off. "Why are you taking your clothes off if he isn't gone? What's going on?"

I'm pulling a sundress out of the closet when I answer him "He wants me to come down to his office."

"For what B?"

"To talk about his offer Justin. I told him I'd consider it."

"And I told you no."

I stop and stare at him. "Justin...Are you seriously sitting here telling me what I can and can't do?"

"Yea actually I am. This is bullshit B. You don't need to do this. I know how those guys are. Good dudes but..."

"But what Justin?" I put my hand on my hip. "You think I can't handle myself?"

He rises off the bed and makes his way towards me. "I didn't say that B, but look what happened with us."

I'm seriously offended by this. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? You think I'd do that to you?"

He shrugs. I shake my head. "Wow!" Is the only response that I can give him. "I'll see you later J."

Rolling his eyes he says. "late...r" And lays back down on the bed. I don't know why I'm so surprised by this. I should have known and to be honest it makes me want to take the job even more. I slam the door behind me actually kinda glad that I'll be gone for the day. I don't know how he's going to survive the next few months stuck in the house, not being able to do a damn thing and I fear that it won't be good for our relationship if I stay stuck here with him.

"Where yo fly little honey at JB?" Twist asks as he settles in the chaise beside me.
"Fly honey?" I laugh, shaking my head.
He relaxes back and laces his fingers behind his head "Yeah Ima do it old school tonight, money."
"Yeah I'm bout that shit tonight too!" Za pipes in on my other side "Whatchoo think Bieber? 'Dis gonna be da bomb!"
"Ya'll are dumb as hell." I point out, stretching my foot out to give Za's chaise a shove "She's still off fuckin around with Scoot."
"Call her up and tell her to get her ass back home." Twist demands in a lazy tone "She ain't got no business with that Wanted crew. They gon' get at your piece, boy."
"Fuck you Twist." I snap, silently thinking the exact same thing "Nobody's gettin at shit. Mind your business."
"Whatever." He shrugs.
"So what's up anyway?" Za asks "What's Scooter want from her?"
"Wants her to go on tour with the Wanted for a few weeks!" I instantly raise my voice at the thought. "What the fuck? Yeah right. I told him to get the fuck outta here with that shit but she's considering it. The fuck is that?"
"Tell her no." Twist pipes in.
"Hey thanks!" I smile sarcastically "Never thought of that!"
I sit quietly for a moment and then start in again "I can't deal with this shit...can't even leave my own goddamn house, and she's gonna run around with those guys on tour. You know what goes down on their buses?"
"Bout the same that goes on on yours." Za agrees.
"Exactly." I nod. "And here's another thing that pisses me right the fuck off..." the French doors swing open before I have a chance to finish.
"Hey." I look her over and narrow my eyes when I find her looking back at me with glassy eyes. "You been drinking?"
"A dinner." She pulls her heels off and wanders over barefoot.
"Yo." I address Za and Twist but keep my eyes on her "I need to talk to B."
"Justin." She sighs as they stand and head off into the house "I don't feel like arguing about this."
"Never said I wanted to argue Bobbi." I open my arms "Come here."
She slides down and fits herself between my legs, snuggling in.
"You know why I don't want you to do it right?" I ask after placing a kiss on the top of her head.
Her response is rude because she's still annoyed with me "Because you're a bossy, spoiled asshole who always gets his way."
"Alright, first..I shouldn't have said that about the way things started with us, but I can't say I didn't mean it. I worry B...I'm afraid of losing you."
"So you think that I'll just jump into bed with any guy that comes along? Wow, thanks for the compliment J."
"That's not what I meant and you know it." My fingers have begun trailing up and down her arms, calming her bit by bit slowly. "It's just..." I think for a minute "Okay look baby, I know being stuck in this house is my fault but I don't want to be here without you. I can't stand to be away from you and it isn't that I don't trust you. It's that I don't trust anyone else to take care of you. I need you here with me Bobbi girl. Tell him no."
"I'm not just gonna tell him no." she argues stubbornly "I said I'd think about it and that's exactly what I plan to do."
"Aww come on girl..." I smile, switching gears as I drop my voice into the raspy tone she can't resist "You gonna make me beg?"
She tilts her head back to look up at me "Why not? You make me beg all the time."
I run my tongue over my lips "You like it when I make you beg."
"Shut up." She smiles "But seriously Justin..I'm going to think about it."
Fine. I won't be able to talk her out of it tonight because she's upset with me, but this shit isn't happening. Period.
"Alright then little miss thing...but how about I make you think of something else right now?" I slide my hand into her dress and roll her nipple gently between my fingers.
"Oh my god stop it..." she giggles "We're outside!"
"So what? It's dark...and listen..." She focuses on the muffled sound of loud music blaring inside the house as I turn her over to face me and bring her ear close to my mouth "They'll never hear you...but I will...why don't you put your pretty lips right here so I can hear every single sound you make because I fucking love it."
"What's this?" she asks softly, brushing her lips over my ear as her hand reaches to grip my cock through my jogging pants.
"You know what that is. You want it baby girl?"
"Maybe." She teases pretending not to care.
"Maybe?" I raise my eyebrows and pull her dress up, sliding my hand into her panties and my finger inside her from behind to find her warm and wet already "Liar."
She suddenly pulls away and stands "Wait a minute."
I watch her peer into the house through the glass, searching to make sure they aren't hanging around.
A gasp of shock escapes her when I grab her up and carry her over to the heavy glass table, kicking one of the patio chairs out of the way before sitting her down on it.
"Tell Scooter no." I beg quietly while pulling her dress up around her hips "Don't go baby...don't leave me here all alone."
"Justin.." she sighs "You're so dramatic. It'd only be for a few weeks."
"No." I shake my head and sweep my tongue along her throat "That's too long...I can't be away from you for that long b..I just can't."
" love me." She jokes, trying to make me smile.
"I do." I reply seriously "Too much to watch you walk out that door for a few weeks."
Her hand has found its way into my pants and is fisted around my dick, pumping slowly up and down "Can I have it J? Will you give it to me right now? What if you make me cum so hard I scream..what will the neighbors think?"
She's just trying to divert my attention but her voice is soft and airy, wisping with lust and it's too fucking hot. I cock my chin in the direction of the neighbor I hate the most, the asshole I got into it with "I hope his wife hears you and hates him for not puttin' it down the way I do."
She bursts into laughter "She should go easy on him though...because in all fairness, no one puts it down the way you do."
I slip into her all the way, until there's nowhere left to go and then pull out completely "Damn're wet as fuck. It won't take me long to make you cum will it?"
Her lips part with a moan "Maybe."
"There you go lying again." I smile, sliding back in, fucking her just a little harder "You have no idea how fucking good you feel, its so tiny and tight, just wrapped right around my cock all pretty and pink. Fuck..."
"Faster J..." she pleads, clutching my arms tightly, digging her nails into my skin deeply "I'm gonna cum...I want it...fuck I want it so bad!"
I speed up gradually because even though she doesn't want to wait, she'll cum harder if she does.
"Okay baby...maybe I'll make you cum, only because you look so pretty on my cock."
Her body grows still and tense in my arms "Relax baby..." I whisper in her ear "Just settle down and let me make you cum..."
Her body grows limp in my grasp and then I feel it, the perfect tightening around my cock, as a steady, rhythmic stream of gasps begin to rush from her, my name whispered now and then in between.
"That's it baby girl..." I'm just about to say something more to her when I see him, I lift my gaze a little higher and lock eyes with Twist who is standing at the French doors watching every move we're making.
His attention is so focused on her that he doesn't even realize I've seen him for a minute, but when he does he gives me a little grin and a thumbs up.
What the fuck? He resumes ignoring me and watches her intently, like she's the greatest thing he's ever laid eyes on. Alright mother fucker, I think as I catch her loosely by the throat "Tell me how hard you're cumming b...tell me how much you love my cock."
"So hard..." she rasps, squeezing her eyes shut tightly as she writhes against me, causing the table to scrape loudly against the concrete.
"Look at me!" I issue the demand harshly but each word is filled with love and she hears it.
Her eyes pop open and lock in on mine "Does it feel good baby girl? Keep going... you're cumming so hard I can feel it. What if I touch your clit like this?" I push my hand between us and circle it quickly with the pads of my finger and she cries out and then calls my name "Say it again B..."
"J..."my name bursts from her again "Cum with me...right inside! I want to feel's so warm! I want to feel it inside of me..."
"Goddamn baby..." I hiss, momentarily forgetting his presence all together as I unexpectedly begin to cum with her.
We fall apart together, her arms wrap tightly around me when I fall against her and move my head from side to side just to feel her hair sweep across my face "I love you b...just tell him no." I repeat "Don't go away. I can't take it."
"Just let me think J..." she breathes, stroking her fingers through my hair.
I suddenly remember him standing there and place a soft kiss upon her lips "Chill out here for me...I'll be back. I gotta take care of something real quick."
She nods with a sigh and adjusts her dress when I step away "Hurry up..I missed you tonight."
"I missed you too." I smile as I pull open the doors.

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