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I apologise to those whom I still owe drabbles or one shots. I hate making excuses but something massive happened in my life and I basically lost all motivation to write. It's only really recently that I've started having plot bunnies again. All of my old ones I can't really write anymore. Just don't have the motivation, ha know? Thankfully my mojo is coming back. I'm replaying through some of the KH/FF games- KHII (ugh I had such a shitty report card), Dissidia, Dissidia Duodecim, VIII (grr I have to find disk two for fuck's sake), KH Birth By Sleep and VII.

I'll be starting with XxxTheMachinaMintxxX's Irvine Kinneas or Zell Dincht request... Irvine I think I'll do it for.

Then I'll do whatever drabble/one shot I have the most inspiration for.

I'm sorry. I know I've kept you guys waiting for ages.

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