Late Night Ramblings

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I consider myself a bit of an author, at least a writer. I think anyone who writes knows this issue but I know where I want my story to go but I don't know how to get it there.

So frustrating.

 Honestly I have the book's ending planned but not the middle. Urgh.

On other news I have started writing a song... Don't know if it will be any good but I have either a verse or chorus, nto sure which it is yet.

I have plans of an autobiography but I feel like I am a little young to write one. Maybe it will be part auto-biographical and part advice. Yeah, I might do that.

It will be called 'Coming of Digital Age: My Guide to Growing Up Not-So-Normally'.

So I guess anyone who reads this has that to look forward to.

I know this is a weird chapter but I wanted to update and had no idea what to update about.

Anyways I hope everyone will have/had a lovely day and I will talk to you guys later.

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