Chapter Two

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Chapter Song: You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift


Chapter Two

I made my way down the hallway holding an ice pack against my forehead.

I hope this helps. I don't really want to be walking around with a bump on my forehead for the  rest of the day. That wouldn't be attractive.

I was making my way around the hallway, when I ran into someone. I felt a hand hold my left shoulder and another hand hold my right arm. Causing my ice pack to fall on the hallway floor. Whoever I ran into manage to turn both of us around so we were facing each other.

That's when I met two gazing green eyes.

Then I realized who it was.

Ayden James.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I said.

"No, it's my fault, I'm sorry!" Ayden replied.

He must of seen the shock in my eyes because he quickly cleared his throat and let go of me.

He bent down to pick up my ice pack,that had fallen, "here you go." He said handing me the ice pack.

I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I said in a whisper, "thanks."

  "So the ice pack?"

I stood there unable to speak. Now would be the time for my brain to start functioning! Work stupid brain, work!

"Uh... I- I was hit with a door." I managed to say...well shutter.

He let out a small laugh, "oh! So maybe you are the one who ran into me!"

"What? No! I didn't see you coming around the hall!" I said in more of a panic voice than I expected.

He put his hands up surrendering while laughed, "calm down I was just messing with you."

I let out a nervous laugh, "I know."

"You have to keep an eye on those doors," he said amused. "You never know when they will just come out and attack you!"

"Ha. Ha. Very funny!"

He laughed, "seriously though you have to watch where you're going with these doors!"

If only you knew that I was hit by the door because I was starring at you!

Just like I do everyday when I see you. I stop and state, hoping you notice me one day.

"Maybe the doors shouldn't open outwards." I said crossing my arms.

He laughed at again. "Yeah that would probably be a good thing."

I nodded, "could have save lots of pain."

"Yeah, probably!" He smiled.

Oh my gosh I feel my ovaries beginning to explode!

Having there stand in front of  me only 3 feet away smiling at me like that made my knees to weak. I felt when he smiled there was no one else around just him and I.

Which in reality was true, the hallway was vacant.

I was slowly melting and I was trying to hold back stupid smile from coming to my face.

Now would be the time to say something Mia!

As I was about to respond to him, I heard an annoying pitchy voice. "There you are Ayden!" I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. Haley King, Ayden's annoying girlfriend. "You do realize Mrs. Herb's class is this way right?" She said pulling him down the hall way.

Funny how she ignores my presence. Like hello I'm standing right here!??!

I saw him look back at me while she tried pulling him. He gave me a sympathetic smile. "I hope your head feels better!"

I smiled and said, "thanks!"

I never really understood why Ayden was dating Haley. I mean they were two completely different people! He was down to earth, she wasn't. She would rather spend her day shopping and he would rather spend it with his family. Unlike Ayden, Haley is... well a bitch. Everyone always say they are perfect for each other because they are both nice and good looking. Obviously they didn't ask for my opinion! She wasn't as nice as everyone claims she is.

Then it finally hit me.

I just talked to Ayden James for the first time!

Oh my gosh!

Am I hallucinating?

OMG! This is so going on my calendar!

I stood there smiling like an idiot.

I know it was just a stupid conversation about my bruised head but he still talked to me!

Maybe Landon should've hit me with a door sooner!

I need to remind myself to thank him later.

After standing there for almost 5 minutes by myself while I just smile like an idiot,  I decided it was time to get back to class.

I started to walk down the hall when I heard voices coming from around the corner.

"I don't understand why you are so mad about it! We were just talking!" I knew that voice anywhere. It was Ayden's

"I don't care! I don't want you talking to her!" The annoying pitch gave away who it was. Haley, and let me tell you she sounded pissed.

"Since when do you have a problem with who I talk to?" I heard Ayden yell.

I probably shouldn't be listening to their conversation but I never heard of Haley and Ayden arguing. Considering it's Haley we are talking about. She seemed so needy! She was clinched to his side and making him do all these things she wanted him to do. Eventually they would of had to get into an argument. I never pictured being the one hearing about it.

Maybe I should stay.

"Since I became your girlfriend! I don't want you talking to her!" I heard Haley yelled back.

Who is her?

Oh, dear I already have to compete with Haley and now with another girl! It really was no competition with Haley, she was Haley King after all. She cared a lot about her appearance.  Her blonde hair was always perfectly done. Not one static in her head. She always wore outfits that matched perfectly, they looked like the ones you see in magazines. Oh, and she never repeated an outfit! Her dad owned half of the restaurants in the northern part of country, so she had the money to buy all the clothes she wanted.

Rumor has it that she has so much clothes her dad had to build another floor in their house, so she could use it as a closet.

So basically Haley was the girl every girl wanted to be and every guy wanted to laid.

Yeah I said laid!

She might have an innocent classy look to her appearance but she was no angel. 

I didn't realized that I was still standing there listening to their conversation until I heard Ayden yell again. "I don't understand why you are overreacting about this! I simply asked her what happened to her head!"

Her head?


Ayden and I were talking about my head.

That means that her has to be ....

Oh my gosh!

Haley and Ayden were arguing because of me!

For some reason this brought some kind of pride in me. Never in my life would have I thought that Ayden and Haley would be arguing because of me.... Me!

"Why do you give a shit what happened to her head? She's not your girlfriend! I am!!" She snapped.

Woah, there classy girl curses?

And how can she bring herself to talk to him like that!

"Oh my gosh Haley! You are overreacting about this!" He said to her sounding annoyed.

You tell her Ayden!

I'd be annoyed too if I were him. We were just talking! I mean it wasn't like we were making out!

I mean I wish we were, but we weren't.

A couple seconds went by before I heard Ayden's voice again. "C'mon Haley," his voice soften. "It was a meaningless conversation. It was no big deal."

I felt my heart break a little after hearing him say that our conversation meant nothing. What did I expect I was a stupid junior that stalked the poor kid. Only because I was in love with him.

I heard Haley sigh, "okay. Just please promise you won't talk to her anymore."

"If it will make you feel better then alright."

I felt sadness build inside of me.

Today was the first and the last time I was ever going to talk to Ayden.


Hey guys! Okay, so I know this is off to a slow start but I promise that it will very soon start to pick up! Pleasseeee!!! Spread the word about the book! I would like to have at least 50 reads so I don't feel like I'm doing this for nothing.

I'm sure you are all wondering how this beautiful creature Ayden looks like right? When I first listed characteristics of looks I wanted Ayden to have I based him off a guy I use to have a major crush on. He did indeed have blonde hair (always spiked in the front) and green eyes. I did a lot of searching and I found two guys who I was debating between. First there was this guy from Tumblr.. Who may I say has it going on! But I could only find one like 5 pictures of him and it seems as though no one knows his name! He's a nameless beautiful creature! Anyways I then chose .... RIVER VIIPERI!!! You can find a picture on him on the side!!!

Get ready to meet Landon Harris next chapter!



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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2013 ⏰

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