Car sex (Akashi x Reader) lemon

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It was a normal day after school, you had stayed due to your work as vice president of the student council. Being the vice president wasn't exactly hard for you. In fact, you actually liked it. You always have been an honor student and a responsible on at that. Loved by your teachers and classmates. In your first year of high school, you had met the red haired emperor. He fell for you at first sight, you were beautiful, smart, gentle and elegant. A befitting empress for the one and only, Akashi Seijuro. It didn't take too long for him to confess his undying love for you, and of course you had accepted his declaration of love, since you were in love with him, as well. Right there and then, you had become his.

After finishing up with your duties, you went back to the classroom you and your boyfriend had shared. Since he was the Student council president, and the two of you shared the same hectic schedule, Akashi would take you home by his limousine. You placed your books in your bag and just sat their, waiting for your boyfriend to meet up with you before the two of you depart.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, (F/N)." You heard the heterochromatic red head say as he walked into the classroom. "No, it's fine. I just got here, anyway." He nodded and went over to his desk to get his school bag. "Shall we go?" He asked. "Yeah!" You got up and ran to his side, your leg hit one of the desks and you tripped and fell atop Akashi.

You opened your eyes and realized what had happened. "Sorry, Sei-kun!" You frantically sat up in a position where you were straddling him, but you were too dense to notice. You looked at your boyfriend who was gazing at you, wide eyed. "Did I maybe hurt you during my fall?" You asked, your tone full of guilt and concern. "(F/N)..." he muttered, still staring intensely at you. The answer as to why he breathlessly said your name and the way his eyes were looking at you was given to you as you felt something hard poking your entrance. You yelped in realization as you began to furiously blush, and tried to get off of him. "S-sorry!" Your attempt had failed when each hand of the basketball team captain tightly gripped your hips. "S-sei-kun! W-what are you d-doing?!" Your face turned to an even darker shade of red.

Akashi didn't say anything and in an instant, you found him on top of you, you couldn't move because he had his body pressed against yours. You couldn't even move your arms to push him away because he had pinned your wrists above your head.

"Sei-ku-" Before you could protest, Akashi slammed his lips onto yours in a deep, passionate kiss. You didn't react and just laid there, eyes wide as saucers. It was definitely not the first time the two of you of had kissed, but it was a first for Akashi to kiss you in such a way, and it was also a first for Akashi to lose his self control just like that.

What you didn't know, was how the red haired boy craved for you and how his recent, not so innocent dreams were all centered around you. And with each wet dream he had about you, the more the sexual tension kept penting up inside him.

Your legs were wide open and he had placed himself between them, you were helpless. His lips finally parted from yours and he began trailing kisses along your jawline. He moved his face next to your ear, and you could hear his heavy breathing. He then started nipping on your earlobe. Akashi's lips were gentle and you bit your lower lip to prevent any moan from escaping due the pleasure you're receiving.

"Sei-kun, p-please stop this.." You softly moaned into his ear. You could hear him chuckle huskily and this made you even more weak than possible. He licked the way with his skillful tongue from your neck to your chin, softly kissing your skin along his licks. You moaned again.

"You really are cute, aren't you?" He looked at you with his heterochromatic eyes that shone in lust, a smirk placed on his lips.

You didn't need a mirror to know that your face was as red as a ripened tomato. Your whole body was on fire and this feeling of pleasure was completely new to you and it made you feel uncomfortable.

Kuroko no basket lemons [Various x Reader] (ON HOLD!!)Where stories live. Discover now