The Zombie Apacolypse

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“Wake up!” – “please!” my cold dirty tears drizzled their way down my cheeks, to my chin and on his poor pale face.

“Come on!” – “please, wake up!” I pleaded heavily in tears.

I felt so different now; it was like I wasn’t Brooke anymore. A horrid sensation filled my brain, causing my heart to break, and tears fill my eyes. This wasn’t some love distinguished rendezvous anymore. This was real life, with real situations, and real decisions to make. Was I supposed to sit her? Was I supposed to run? Be prepared for these creatures? Die? Right now all I could think about was the man I loved, the one lying on the floor with cold, undesiring pale skin. I fell for him; I fell for him at the WRONG time and the WRONG place. He’s lying dead on the ground, and it was all m-my fault. I-I killed him, and all I could do was sit here and watch as his handsome, yet horridly dead body rot?


“No!”I shrieked as my best friend Nicole dragged me across the room.

“Go!” she began, “go talk to him!” she kept urging me on.

The guy I had been crushing on sat straight across the room. His hair was a perfect shade of expresso, killer looks, and blue daggers for eyes. His unbelievable teeth were white and straight, all the perfect characteristics of a man. My crush was quite the cliché though, his name’s Alex, he’s the quarterback of the football team, most popular guy in school, a total catch. Plus, there’s the fact that he lives right next door to me, our windows are only a fence length apart.

“No, come on! Please Nicole, don’t make me!” I begged once more

“If you don’t I will!” she threatened

“You will what?”

Soon she shot me a piercing glare with her sharp hazel cat-like eyes.

“I will tell him EVERY little secret you’ve ever spilled.”

I looked at her in complete disgust. I rolled my eyes and gave in to her amorous pleading.

“fine.” And that was that.

I walked swiftly across the library floor, brushing my short blonde hair out of my eyes. I applied my “kiss me” lip gloss and headed toward Alex. I soon began to think to myself:

Nicole doesn’t even know what happened. I couldn’t bare myself to tell what happened between Alex and I last summer. I would be mortified if anyone found out. He sort of, kind of, broke my heart that one day… well night and that’s enough to embarrass anyone. How could I still like him after that? I guess I’m just one of those hopeless idiots. But she could never find out, because if she did, she would kill me!

When I approached the small circular table, Alex looked straight up at me. He half smiled, kind of awkwardly and I felt my heart flutter a little.

“Uhm hey, Brooke. Do you need something?” he said with a slight grin.

“Hi Alex, long time no talk?”

He chuckled in another awkward way. Things were still the same. No change what-so-ever. Soon I felt my phone vibrate. It was obviously a message from Nicole. I ignored her thought and went back to talking.

“I was wondering…”

And then it happened. A bright red light filled the room and soon so did an ear piercing siren. I looked over to Alex who had his ears covered and blinked heavily.

Was this really happening? Right here, right now? Seriously!? A stupid fire drill was happening, right now?

I soon shrieked heavily in my head, well… I guess that could have been the siren.

“EVACUATION!” said a large intercom,

I looked around and unexpectedly felt something sharp pierce my back. It hurt, bad, and soon blood trickled down my back, past my hips and onto my leg. This was no fire drill. My head felt light and I felt very faint. What was happening? I soon felt my feet slip from under me.

“BROOKE!” Alex screamed.

I looked around and soon fell to the floor.

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