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Hey, nice to meet you and thank you for reading my story. Sorry for my simplicity. Hope it interests you.

Today reader, you are about to do an interrogation.

You work for a magazine called "Daily World". Yesterday, they had all of a sudden called you into your boss' office, which surprised you a lot. Since October was approaching, your boss wants a story that can strike fear into people's hearts. He called for you specifically knowing your amazing ability as a writer. Realizing he won't accept 'no' for an answer, you ended up agreeing. Because of that decision, you are now standing in front of the biggest mental institution located in the area you live in. Swallowing nervously, you think through what you're about to do.

To be able to write a story that conjures up the particular feeling you are trying to portray, one must either have experienced it him/herself or get to fully know someone who went through it. Thankfully you nor anyone you know deeply has gone through such an experience. Now having to select an unknown person, you decided to choose Miss Payne. Yesterday, you had heard rumors about it at work; but earlier today it was on the TV news this morning. "Girl gone completely insane. Has been transported and inscribed in mental institution."

As you heard these reporter's words, a light bulb went on in your head. That case has been spreading around non-stop. It has everyone's attention. Many of the reports referring to it just express what the judges, police and people thought of it, yet not once did you hear the girl's voice.

Standing at the entrance of the institution was more frightening than you thought. You know nothing of this person's personality or attitude. 

What if she's dangerous? 

The answer is right in front of you. A shiver ran up your spine as the cold Fall breeze dances around you. The nearby trees appear worn out; the surrounding environment emanating a solitary appearance. You look to your left and watch as orange colored leafs sway with rythm in the air. As one of them separates from the others, you kept staring at it, acknowledging how mysterious and fascinating it appeared. Following it with your gaze, it blew in front of a window. That's when you notice, you're not the only one staring.

A little jump scare escaped as your body caught up with your fright. You placed a hand over your heart feeling its quick beating of alarm. Sighing over your reaction, you look back up at the window. The person behind it kept his eyes on you. It was a man with a solemn expression on his face. As you stared at him, he remained motionless and stern, but you could hint a certain gloom in his eyes. It could even resemble that of pain and loneliness...

The air shifted as the crystal doors opened in front of you, quickly gaining your attention.

"Are you coming in?" Asked a woman wearing nurse attire.

"Y-Yeah." You replied.

"Then come on in." She smiled and gestured for you to walk inside.

Before you took a step, you looked over at the window again. Only this time, the man was no longer there anymore.

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