The Signs As MOVIE Quotes

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The Signs As Movie Quotes

Aries - "You didn't see that coming?" (Age of Ultron)

Taurus - "I was with the navy, not the Navajo!" (Jurassic World)

Gemini - "Just keep swimming." (Finding Nemo)

Cancer - "Why so serious?" (Dark Night Rises)

Leo - "Have courage and be kind." (Cinderella)

Virgo - "Baskin Robbins always finds out." (Ant-Man)

Libra - "Manners maketh man." (Kingsman)

Scorpio - "When the other Boov's said, "Oh!" I knew they were not happy to see me. The truth is that among the Boov, I do not fit in - I fit out." (Home)

Sagittarius - "Banana!" (Minions)

Capricorn - "Great, we're all bloody inspired." (The Maze Runner)

Aquarius - "Let it go." (Frozen)

Pisces - "Cuz Kimmie you're a firework! Come on let your colors burn!" (The Interview)

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