Chapter 1

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I woke up suddenly, sweating and breathing heavily. I cry out in pain as my bones start cracking. I hear someone screaming my name and I realise it must be my little brother Tom. "James" I scream as loud as I can and I hear feet thumping down the hallway. My door is bashed open as I see a ruffled James standing by the door. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE" I scream at him. "GET TOM OUT OF HERE". James suddenly snaps out of his shock as I let out another cry of pain. He rushes over to a panicked Tom and drags him out of the room. I can feel my bones snapping and my flesh take new form. I let out one last cry as I fall to the floor panting. I did it. My first shift. I trot over to the mirror and look at my wolf form. I am a pure black wolf with a white triangle on my forehead pointing up. I have bright orange eyes and I am pretty small.

As I stare into the mirror I think to myself, 'What now?'

'We run'. Replies a soft angelic voice.

'What was that' I think to myself.

Then the voice laughs, 'I am your wolf, Ignis'.

'Well what do I do now then Ignis?'

'Like I said, we run!'

I walk over to the door and pull down the handle with my teeth. I race down the corridor and out the back door strait into the forest. I know James wont dare follow me, for he hasn't shifted yet.

I run for what seems like hours. I never want to shift back, I love the feeling of the wind blowing my fur and the soft leaves crunching under my feet. I push myself harder and run faster than the wind. I finally stop beside a small creek. I lap up the water greedily As I am about to pull away, I get slammed into the ground by a brown wolf. He (don't ask me how I know its a he, I just do) growls in my face and shifts back. He looks about 16 and has plenty of muscle. "SHIFT" He commands. I do as he says not wanting to get hurt again. I suddenly become very aware I am naked and I am thankful he has the decency to throw me his huge shirt while he puts on a pair of shorts. "Who are you?" He growls as he stands over me. "M-my name i-is T.J". I stutter. "You're a little young to be a rouge." He states. I don't reply and just stare at him. He stares right back at me curiously then a blank expression comes over his face. I stare at him worriedly when his eyes suddenly snap back to reality. "I have to take you back to my Alpha". He tells me. "A-Alpha?" I question nervously. "Don't you know what an Alpha is?" He mocks asks as he drags me by my forearm.

'No, no I don't' I think to myself as he drags me away.

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