♡Contest Challenge #2~"-Thunderheart- 1 year anniversary Contest"

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If you'd like to participate, please write a minimum of 3 chapters about an unknown or mysterious creature in the Lake Territory-or Forest Territory- that has been terrorizing the clan(s) of your choice (got that spooky October theme...)
Note: I have only read the first series of the Warrior series (so far) so I am on the New Phropecy Series the second book...

Chapter 1

The stars from the silverpelt gleam in the night sky. Firestar, Sandstorm,Squirrelpaw, and Leafpaw, were all sitting in the clearing of the Thunderclan camp. They were having an unusual discussion though. What ever could it be about?
"We are all family," Declares Firestar, " So we are all very brave, and smart enough to figure this message from Starclan out...It goes like this: The next full moon you encounter is the night! Mysteriously fairytale creatures will come, and take over 4. There will be only one left. They must fight till the end!!"
"Wow!! Well I know what this means, creatures will come and take over 4 clans at the next gathering but one will remain...but who are these creatures and which clan will remain to fight? I thought there was only 4..." Says Squirrelpaw.
"Well... you clearly did not remember there is Starclan, sis... but I don't think Starclan could fight till the end... I mean they are already dead...so, nevermind. But who is the 5th clan mom?" Says Leafpaw.
"The 5th clan is SkyClan...you haven't learned about them yet, but you will eventually." Answers Sandstorm.
"Oh cool!" Says Leafpaw and Squirrelpaw together.
"Yeah, well I got to go back to the nursery now, a new kit is on its way. And I think today is the day." Says Sandstorm.
"Sounds good, I will come too, girls, you can to hunt and such... have fun!!"Says Firestar.
"Yes dad!!" Says The she-cats.
Off they go. On this mysterious night... in fact it is the moon before Halloween!! This is a new celebration, everyone found out, from Purdy.. after Squirrelpaw and Brambleclaw returned. They still can't believe the biggest monster ever, will tear down their forest!! But when? And is this one of the mysterious creatures the prophecy was talking about? Anyways... the cats now go to their dens, and get some shut eye for the night... they will definitely need some strength for tomorrow.

Squirrelpaw lay in her den, and CANNOT stop thinking about the mysterious creatures...
Will the creatures be creatures I know how to stop? Or ones that I have never seen before... who will be the one clan left? Ugh, why does this stuff have to happen to us... expecially Thunderclan.... Oh well, I better get some shut eye, maybe my dreams can tell me the answers...

Leafpaw? What are you doing? I... wait!! Leafpaw!! Where are you going?! LEAFPAW!! YOU GOING INTO THAT BADGERS CAVE!!
"Squirrelpaw! We can't get any sleep with you dreaming like that!!" Says Whitepaw.
"Hu? Oh that was a dream phew!! Sorry Whitepaw...just thinking about things..."
"Well could you do so more quietly? Some of us need sleep, for the day."
"Ok! I will checkup on my mom then -_-"
Squirrelpaw trotted away, not looking for an answer.

"Hey mom!! How are you...:O the new kit has arrived? That was fast!!"
"Yes she has, and isn't she adorible? Just like you!" Says Sandstorm.
"Yes she is!! What is your name?" Squirrelpaw asks.
"We don't know yet..."
"Oh!! Maybe I can help hmm..." Says Squirrelpaw, "ooh, I know!! How about AmberKit?"
"That's a wonderful name!!I bet she will make a great warrior just like you!!"
"Yeah, just like me☆~☆"
"Sweetie, can you tell Leafpaw, to come check her out? I want to make sure she sees it and also, makes sure she is healthy."
"Sure thing mom!!"
Off Leafpaw goes to go fetch Leafpaw, and Cinderpelt, the medicine cats.
"Ok mom, I'm here, let's check her out" says Leafpaw.

[(A/N:Continued in Next Part Of book)]

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