Better Late Then Never

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~ Taylor's POV ~

"Noo!" Harry shouted for the billionth time. "How can you be that good? I used to play this game all the time."

"I'm just naturally talented!" I laughed.

"It's not possible, you've beaten me at almost every game here!".

"Thanks for showing me how a 'real man plays video games'." I said sarcastically.

"You're welcome." He said ,with a wink.

"What time is it?"

"Umm, it's 11:30AM." He checked his phone.

"Holy fudge! We've been hiding for hours!"

"What time did we start playing?"

"Like around 9 or 8:30, I honestly don't remember." I laughed.

"We'll I don't know about you but I'm hungry, wanna head back up?"

"Oh gosh yes! My stomachs has been threatening to eat its self for the past hour!" I laughed.

"Lets go then." He said grabbing my hand and leading me out.

Oh crap. Tomato time! He needs to stop, okay not really I like it, but blehh. Oh Harry, oh Harry your freaking sexy with your curls and your dimples.

"Well thank you." He said turning to look at me.


"You think I'm sexy with my 'curly hair and dimples.'" He laughed.

"Oh my gosh!" I pulled my hand out of his and covered my face. "Please tell me I didn't say that out loud."

"Oh but you did my friend," he laughed, "don't worry I think your petty cute yourself." He winked and continued on his way to the elevator.

"Okay you need to stop that or I'm just going to explode from emotional feels!" I yelled after him.


"Yes seriously it's not fun! Okay maybe sometimes, but no!"

"You don't sound sure of yourself." He laughed.

"Oi you butt hole, stop it!"

"Really? So you don't want me to tell you that your cute? Or that you look like one of those cute little tomatoes when you blush? Oh how ridiculously adorable it is when you think out loud?"

"Oh my gosh stop it!" I could feel the blood rushing to my face, "it's not funny!"

"Oh well it is too me!"

"Whatever, yenno Luke Hemming is so much cuter than you."

"Oh really? Because if that's what you think I can just call him up right now and tell him you think that." He threatened.

"No! Don't you dare, you don't even have his number!"

"How do you know? I've got connections."

"Well I think your bluffing." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "Call him."

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "Okay." He said pulling out his phone. Once it was ringing he put it on speaker.

"Hello?" An Australian voice came through the phone.

"Oh my gosh!" I whispered, "It's Luke!"

"Harry? You there mate?" He asked.

"Oh hey sorry Luke." He answered with a smirk on his face.

"Hey what's up?" He replied.

"Don't you dare tell him!" I whisper shouted.

"I just wanted to let you know that the boys and I miss you and the lads."

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