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Sorry I haven't been posting much. My life has unexpectedly become chaose lately. Starting October 19th  I should be able to post more.  I promise at least one update that day. 

WARNING: this may cause an emotional break down.  If you haven't read the manga and/or have heard the season two rumers you may want to stop reading now.

So if you didn't know already "chapter 37" has apparently "been leaked". Rumor is that Levi will die. unfortunatly it hasn't been officially released yet.

Do you think Levi will die? 

I personally think it's probably a false alarm. It hasn't been released yet so we can't really now for sure. As for it being leaked, I think someone is pulling a prank on us. It's probably one of those people who make things look real to trick evryone into thinking thay. Let's see what happens when it is officially released. 

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