My Charming Older Brother.

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Liechtenstein - Lili Zwingli
Switzerland - Basch Zwingli
Sealand - Peter Kirkland

A/N: This is for the FanficFrightDay contest, I don't own hetalia but I do own this dark story, I hope you enjoy ^3^

----(Lili's P.O.V)----

"Please come in." I greeted, welcoming the next poor unfortunate soul into this manor. He was a young cheerful lad with light blond hair and perfect sky blue eyes. I was the owner of this manor and all it's secrets. I was a hermit, living with the curse that was brought along with this manor. I was amazed by the fact this boy could trust total strangers. What did his parents ever teach him? Well I guess it's not as hard as it seems when this stranger was the same age as him, or well at least looked the same age. With a sweet smile on my face I welcomed him. Handing him a spare change of clothes I took him upstairs to the room beside mine to change his soaked clothes.

This mansion is so very boring at night, well that's what you would believe. The empty halls, the lifeless rooms, this house looked rather mundane and run down, but it was not. The truth was this manor, as I had mentioned earlier, brought a dark secret. With the moon being blocked out by the rain clouds above, the outside world was exceptionally dark. My dark red dress tugged at the seems of the creaking floor boards and the boy didn't even seem to notice. The horrible thing this boy should be fearing wasn't me, but the monster that came with this darkness.

That was the secret that came with this place and one I had to guard at all costs. For his monster that lurked in the dark was very close to me. He was the only family I had left, my older brother. I doubt I should call him that anymore. I don't even believe I should be called a sister either. I keep him locked up in the cellar beneath this manor. The only thing I was able to feed him were the lifeless bodies of the villagers who got lost in the woods. For a monster he was rather fussy.

First it was a young man, he came in and soon he left. He left in a rather weird way.. He loved to play piano, I hope that he's playing piano up in heaven now, or maybe he was down in hell. He started a series of unfortunate passings that were plaguing the town. All caused by me.

The boy walked out, the clothes I had given him would be too heavy to run away from me in. I needed to play nice for now, and in his food I would place the poison that would kill him. We walked side by side in silence, I tend to keep quiet, I don't like sparking conversations in case I get attached to the person I am talking too. I will only speak when it is needed. He followed me around the manor like a dog it's master. I found it funny and at the same time sad.

"Would you like something to eat?" I asked him setting down the dishes in the large dining room. He nodded then sat down on one of the chairs. I walked into the kitchen and began to prepare the food. I had no servants to help me, I had no family to help me either. They all were cursed by this manor also. However, they were cursed differently from my brother, all dying by the same illness. I was the only one left, but I managed. The food I had were from the crops that grew outside my home and if I did really need anything I would just go to the village. I had made a good disguise for myself, I was the granddaughter of an elderly old woman who couldn't do much for herself. I was seen as an innocent girl. That was only my appearance, my true identity should never be known by them.

I placed the poison in, a large dosage. He would die easily. It was a shame really, I often wished for more interesting ways to kill people. Yet, this was the most efficient way. It was funny, something that I really didn't believe would become apart of daily life a few years ago now was. I kept the appearance of innocence up until the very end. I brought the food on a plate and handed him his. It was soup. I mixed the flavours together and also added some spice so he wouldn't notice.

The boy dug straight it. Again what do parents teach their children nowadays? Either that or this boy was exceptionally idiotic. I would never accept food from a stranger. Not even if I was starving, I wouldn't trust them. He had finished his food quicker than expected. That's when it happened, he grabbed onto his throat as it swelled up. I stared at him with a smile on my face. Then lastly he collapsed on the floor with a thud.

Without a second thought I checked to see if he was still breathing and like I had gathered he wasn't. Another soul was reaped by me. I dragged the corpse down to the cellar. Their was no blood, no indication that I had done anything. I giggled then knew this body was perfect for my brother.

I opened the cellar door and my eyes met with the beasts. With soot like fur that covered his whole body and bloodshot eyes, this was the monster my brother had become. His face resembled an ugly mutt's, to think my brother was once a suitor to many, whilst his body formed like a humans. I had tied him up to the wall, in an attempt to control him... I knew I had to be fast.. Or else

I remember the days that brother and I would spend together, those charming days. The days where my long blond hair was often braided by my other older brother. Those peaceful days, the days that are now just a distant memory. I miss them sometimes, but at other points I realise, I never needed those peaceful days. All I needed was my big brother, and he was now gone. The monster before me, please that wasn't him.

I walked down the stairs into the unknown, I could only see the outline of the room around me. I could only hear the different thuds of the body I dragged behind me. My senses were hazy, I knew it was time to run. I threw the body down onto the floor in front of me and ran. The sound that I didn't wish bot hear echoed throughout my mind, the sound of the chain snapping. I felt my heart race, I had bolted up the stairs to reach the light. Slamming the door behind me. I locked it with shaky hands. I rested my back on the door, my short blond hair covered my face, and I couldn't control myself. I burst out into a maniacal laughter.

The monster's groans were muffled by my laughs. He wanted out, he wasn't getting out. Monsters belong with the dark, and sweet innocent girls like me belong in the light. I listened as he calmed down, then left the door to eat his meal.

"Sorry Big brother..." I apologised the second I had heard him cry out in pain.

The plan had succeeded. I really was a horrible little sister. I had fed my brother a body that was poisoned. He had died and I was finally free; free from this curse. As I almost laughed myself to tears, a sudden revelation popped in my head.

I wasn't free from the curse after all.. I had no family left, no big brother. The fear that I was going to get caught, the fear of death had caused me to kill once more... How ironic. However, to say the truth, I enjoyed killing. So much so.. That I'll become the curse this manor needed, I will be the curse on the village.

Had I gone mad?

Or was I already this mad from the beginning?

Truth was...

...I could never tell.

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