Important Bits

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This book is Copyrighted under the Copyright , Designs and Patents act of 1988. This includes all chapters, the epilogue and any associated content on my page. Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, or selling of this book constitutes as an infringement of Copyright. Any infringement of this Copyright is punishable by law © 2015 by GangsAndKittens.

All Rights Reserved.

All of the work and writing in this story is all my ideas, my plot. I purely took influence from a song which inspired me to write a song that is slightly different from the others and hopefully less cliché in a way.

I am not an expert at everything and I don't know the perfect ways to deal with things, for example medically. So in this story if you see something like how I get a character to deal with a wound and it's technically wrong, I would appreciate it if you didn't point it out because that would be extremely rude.

If you do start reading this story thank you that means the world to me, however (yes I know I've said a lot of "howevers" in this) if you end up not liking the story or you don't like the way I write or if you think I'm a terrible writer then I would appreciate that you just stopped reading. This is just purely because it would be incredibly rude to post a comment telling me that I'm a terrible author, we're not here to spread hate, we're here to spread love.

Other than this I hope you enjoy my story!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2015 ⏰

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