Welcome To Sunny England

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Day 2-

Parv's Point Of View-

By the time that I've gone back to the school and picked up Will's bags, he's fast asleep in my bed. I stay quiet, smiling slightly at his peaceful expression.
After gently placing his bags at the foot of the bed, I strip to my boxers before flopping onto my sofa, falling asleep without a blanket.

Da da da, da da dadada.
Da da da, da da dadada.
Da da d-
I fumble with my phone sleepily as my alarm goes off the next morning. After it's silenced, I roll over and close my eyes.
Da da da, da da dadada.
Da da da, da d-
I turn off my next alarm, doing pretty much the same thing as before.
Da d-
I turn the next one off quickly, rolling to lay on my back.
That's when I remember Will.
I glance at the bed to see him watching me with a slightly amused smile that fades to embarrassment when he sees me looking.
"Morning Strifey." I say, stretching my arms above my head.
"M- morning." He mumbles, looking away from me.
I mean, I guess I am shirtless.
I relax back against the arm of the sofa, unlocking my phone and scrolling through my notifications.
"What-" He yawns. He looks kinda cute when he yawns. "What time is it?"
"7:40." I shrug slightly.
"What time's school?"
I swear I can hear him rolling his eyes, "What time do we have to leave to get to school?"
"8:20." I smile slightly, enjoying the simple conversation way too much.
"What time do you actually get out of bed?"
"8. Sometimes 8:10."
He groans, "Are you serious? You spend 10 to 20 minutes getting ready? Do you even have breakfast?"
"Of course I do! Sometimes..." I add, just for the sheer joy of seeing him facepalm.

By 8:20 we're stood outside my house in front of my motorbike.
"I almost forgot about this..." He mumbles and I laugh, passing him the helmet.
"Um, Parvis?" He says slowly.
"Yes Strifey Wifey?"
He splutters for a moment at the name, his cheeks turning a glorious red. "How old are you?"
He swallows, "And how old do you have to be too ride a motorbike?"
I laugh and just climb on, "Don't you trust me?"
He opens his mouth to answer but instead just climbs on, slowly wrapping his arms around me.
I grin before starting the bike, racing off down the street with Will pressed closely against my back.

School ends up being boring, despite all the American kids being over. For half the day they're not even with us anyway, they're off getting some tour or something.
Whatever they were doing, I only really get to see Will when lunch comes around. I bring him to sit with my friends but he doesn't say much to them so I eventually just bring him to an empty table.
"You're not very talkative with my friends, are you?" I say.
He bites his lip, "Sorry, I'm not a great conversationist." He looks down, obviously upset. Probably because he thinks I'm annoyed at him or something.
"It's fine Strifeykins. You can just talk to me!"
His face turns that deep shade of red again and he stammers, "Wh- what's with the- the nicknames?"
I grin and pinch his cheek, "Because you're my cute little Strifey Wifey! And Parvy likes it when Strifey blushes."
He covers his face, making weak protests about us only meeting yesterday and about how he's not cute.
I just laugh and try to pry his hands away, giggling to myself when I find his cheeks to still be flushed deeply.

The end of the day soon rolls around and, after another bike ride of him clinging to be like a lifeline, we end up sprawled on my bed, watching British kids Tv.
"I can't believe that you've never seen Blue Peter!"
He shrugs, "Did you seriously enjoy this as a kid?"
"Yes! Every kid wanted a Blue Peter badge!" I exclaim.
"Why?" He asks as though he's not offending every British child ever.
"Why? Why?! Because it's Blue Peter!"
He just shakes his head, "Whatever."
I tut slightly before we sink back into silence.

As night begins to fall, rain starts to crash from the sky, slamming into my window ferociously.
Will glances at the window, "Does it rain like this often?"
"Eh, fairly often. You know what they say- When it rains, it pours. Or sometimes just rains. Or spits."
He shakes his head and just watches the rain hitting the insulated glass.

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