Chapter 1

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"Taylor! Hurry up, you've got to be at the airport in 10 minutes!" Mum yelled from the front door of our two storey house.

"Oh my god Mum! I'm almost ready, calm down! Do you want me to look like I've just walked through hell and back and embarrass myself in front everyone?!" I yelled back.

"It depends, will it make you nicer?" Mum joked.

"Haha" I said sarcastically, pushing in front of her to hold our mahogany doors open for her to walk through. She walked to our sleek vintage car while I immediately bolted to get there first. I threw my rugged zebra print bags in the back seat causing a loud noise to occur while Mum carefully placed my check-in luggage in the boot of the car.

"Taylor! Could you be more careful?" she scolded while hopping in the car.

I rolled my eyes at her and ran my fingers through my long cascading black hair. This was definitely going to be a long drive.

When we arrived at the international airport I practically jumped out of the car. I love my Mum, but her voice can be really irritating. Although, she probably thinks this way about me as well. So at least we're even.

We've got the whole holidays away from each other, which means six whole weeks of freedom! Sure I was going to miss her but let's be honest. I'm sure she's at least a tiny bit glad that she's finally got a holiday that long without me. She can spend her time pampering herself while I work on my fading tan. This was going to be her first - and probably last - holiday she has to herself since we both know there's a big chance I might stuff this up.

I checked in my luggage just as my the check-in aisle for my flight was about to close. My Mum did all the talking like she always does and I just stared at the enormous planes that were taking off and soaring in the sky. That was soon about to be me.

The lady grabbed my luggage and left without saying a word. "Well gee. Good day to you too" I hissed under my breath. Unfortunately, Mum still heard me with her sharp hearing - which I honestly don't know who she inherited from - and said my name in her warning voice.

I grumbled back at her and walked over to the uncomfortable-looking waiting area while Mum began instructing me on what to do and not do at my Uncle's place. I drifted off but managed to slip in the occasional "okay" and "of course I will", which yet haven't failed to make Mum think I was actually listening.

After about an hour waiting for the plane to be readied, we were finally allowed on board.

"Okay, remember what I told you," Mum went on, the worry in her voice loud and clear.

"I'll be fine Mum. I'll call you when I land" I said reassuringly and gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I gave the lady in front of me my ticket and turned back to wave at Mum as the flight stewardess let me pass with a smile. I gave her a small smile back at the flight attendant and gave Mum one last wave as I walked through the corner and into the tunnel that connected the airport to the plane.

At the door of the plane was another flight attendant who greeted everyone who passed, along with the rest of the crew of my flight. At least they're nicer than the check in person I thought, as I walked inside. They directed me to my aisle and I took a seat beside the window as the plane started to fill up with people. I took my phone and earphones out and played my guilty pleasure playlist, which consisted mostly of Justin Bieber. I've actually never shown anyone this playlist as I'm meant to be this girl who made people question the stereotypes about girls.

The whole flight went by in a blink of an eye and I just spent most of my time staring out the window. When I arrived in Sydney it was already night time and the night lights radiated off the buildings and made the city glow. I've never seen such a bright and beautiful view which made me get the foolish thought that I'm gonna like my time here much more than I expected.

I stood up and grabbed my carry on bag from the compartment above, like everyone else. It was stuffed with as many bags as it could fit which resulted in my bag looking as scrunched up as a bloodhound's face.

I found the luggage carousel for my flight as soon as I exited the tunnel and called my Mum as I waited for it to come around. She didn't answer but I didn't mind. I guess she got a head start with her holiday faster than I did.

"Taylor Chanel?" a deep voice behind me asked.

I turned around and saw a tall guy wearing a suit and pitch black sunglasses standing before me.

"Yeah...?" I answered confused.

"I've been sent here to pick you up. Your Uncle's waiting for you in the car".

"Wow. A decade of not seeing each other and he couldn't even be bothered to pick me up himself face to face" I scoffed.

He pursed his lips then pushed past to grab my luggage. I wondered how he knew what my luggage looked like but I just shrugged it off and followed him outside to the car.

Waiting for me in the parking lot, was a black Chrysler 300c, gleaming in the moonlight. Nothing I've never seen before, which was kind of a bummer. My Uncle was supposed to be this well-known singer, so you'd think he'd own slightly better cars than this.

The driver opened the door for me, took my carry on bags and put it at the back of the car along with my luggage.

I hopped in the luxurious but ordinary car and was caught off guard by my Uncle who greeted me with a hug. I awkwardly patted him on the back.

"Taylor!" my Uncle exclaimed. "You've grown so much sweetheart! Sorry I couldn't pick you up my self in the airport. I got a surprise call from the boys who wanted to crash at my place for the show tomorrow night and I had to check with Jules" he said sheepishly.

"It's fine", I replied. It wasn't a big deal to me at all to be honest. Even when I snapped at the guy who picked me up about it. People just say it's my attitude.

"Are you hungry? It'll be a long drive til we reach the house so we can drop by maccas if you'd like" Guy offered.

"Yeah, if it's no big deal" I said coolly.

We dropped by maccas and I ordered my usual. I ate on the way as my Uncle that I haven't seen in 10 years tried to make small talk and catch up.

"I've got the show tomorrow night so I'd have to be at the studios a couple hours before. You're more than welcome to come along" my Uncle said.

"Oh right. That X Factor show" I remembered. "Uhh... yeah I guess I'll come".

Halfway to the house I fell asleep. It was almost 11.30 and I was actually so tired, considering I did nothing but sit in a plane for four and a half hours. I was woken up by my Uncle as we pulled in the driveway. It was past midnight at that time and I could only make out the silhouettes of the mansions they merely call houses in the neighbourhood that my Uncle resided with his family.

"Taylor" he said as he gently shook me. "We're here. I can show you to your room if you want, it's right upstairs" he offered.

"Nah I should be fine" I said drowsily.

"Okay it's the 3rd door to the left. There are two beds but I'll move you to another room tomorrow because I'm still fixing your room up. I've got guests so just make sure you get the right room. How awkward would that be if you didn't" he joked.

I just nodded my head and drowsily walked upstairs by myself.

"Ugh which room was it again?" I mumbled. I looked from my left to right and decided on the 3rd room on my right and closed the door. The lights were off but there were two beds so I figured this must be the right room. A quiet groan filled the silent room. In the darkness, I thought I saw a figure in the bed on the other side of the room but drowsiness filled my body. I tried to open my eyes but the most I could open it was by squinting, so I just decided to shrug it off, thinking it was only my imagination. I took my leather jacket and shoes off, hopped into bed and fell straight asleep.

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