Barbie Doll Girls.....

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Okay, so have you ever noticed that the main female character is always the same barbie doll?

She's between 13 and 25 and always has a flawless appearance and body, even if she doesn't know it. (Her lover will spend many chapters telling her how  dang hawt she is when she doesn't believe it)

Her hair is a "cascading waterfall..." and always a rich brown, golden blond, silky black, etc. And do these people never get split ends? Or tangles or puffy hair from the humidity? Where can I get it so that my hair is always like this?!?

Is it just me, or is she Caucasian 99% of the time? Come on people, this is 2016, let's have some DIVERSITY!!!!!!! I know that your skin colour or heritage is not everything, (what matters in on the inside, lol so deep) but is it that hard to have an African-American or Indian or Korean (etc.)  main character? Not everyone has "flawless, tan skin" or a "stunning pale complexion"!!!!

Her skin is always perf too... why no freckles? Does no one ever have oily skin or acne? No one ever has a skin condition (or any condition at all... I'll get to that later), like vitiligo? (Skin is two different colours because of pigment issues)

"I put on a bit of foundation, then mascara, lip stick, blush, bronzer, made my brows on fleek, and then did a perfect cat eye." WHAT?!? First, not everyone likes makeup, and having the main character coated in make up creates peer pressure. I know that there are alot of characters who wear minimal to no makeup, but this still definitely exists....

Come on people! Lets create some unique characters with unique appearances!

Author's Note:

Hey! Thanks for reading my first chapter! Please comment and like, tell me some other stereotypes that you want me to cover!

Love you!

xoxo mjoylovestowrite

(Am I the only one who's obsessed with Drag Me Down by 1D?)

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