Chapter Nine

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Seven houses later, they had gotten just about no where. Only the houses had been occupied. One full of addicts who were high out of their mind, another house had a crazy middle aged man inside, and the last was occupied by either a sleeping old man or a corpse. They could barely tell the difference thanks to the smell.

Ethan suggested that they move on further down Alayna's path to school. As much as Zakota hated it, he knew Ethan was right. He didn't even bother arguing. So they left the most recent house and decided to ignore the other ones.

Zakota was hesitant to just leave. What if they were so close to something important and now they were just up and leaving? He really didn't want to take that risk. But it had gotten much later and there was still a big area to search before they were done.

He sighed and began walking again. Ethan wasn't too far behind. He had no idea if he would come across anything connected to Alayna. But he definitely wasn't going to quit. He would find her no matter what it'd take.

He glanced back at the houses again and something caught his eye. Someone near the last house in the left row.

He instinctively pointed his light in their direction and spotted them. They were peeking out of the front door by a couple inches, but just enough to be seen.

"Hey, you!" Zakota called after them.

They quickly darted back into the house. Zakota scowled and headed over to it.

"What? What did you see?" Ethan asked.

"Someone who actually isn't sleep in this neighborhood." Zakota said, heading up the stairs.

He pushed the door open, not bothering to knock. The door opened with a loud creak and he shined his light into the house. There was no furniture at all. Just a pile of clothes to his right and a few small objects scattered over the floor.

"Where'd he go?" Zakota said, hearing a faint echo. There wasn't really any place to hide.

Ethan stepped up behind him. "You sure you saw someone?" He whispered looking around the room with wide eyes.

"Oh yeah," Zakota said entering the house. "Definitely."

Ethan stayed in the doorway. "Careful. They could be dangerous."

"Sure they can." Zakota said without interest. "Until they meet me."

He scanned the area but didn't see anything. So he headed into the kitchen, quickly searching the area. He was making a lot of noise, but it didn't bother him. Besides he wasn't there to hide.

"Come on out," Zakota said loudly and there was a gasp. He turned, expecting to see Ethan behind him. But no one was there.

He frowned and began to head back to the living room, but someone let out a cry. Then something pushed him aside and he stumbled into the wall.

He got into a defensive stance and drew his spear. He still didn't see anyone though. Then he heard a bang behind him.

He spun around and saw the back door swing open. No one there. They must've already ran out.

"Ethan, they went out back!" He yelled as loud as he could. He burst through the back door and leaped outside. He took a quick glance both ways, but didn't see anyone. But he did see a scuff of grass flatten on its own and he frowned. That was strange.

Then something came to mind. He charged more power into his glowing hand and shined it near the grass.

There was definitely something there! It was nearly transparent but in the form of a person. They must've had power to be invisible.

The person was getting away so Zakota started running after him, trying to keep the light trained on them. But it was pretty difficult to do while running so fast. He couldn't risk throwing his spear or it might kill them. And if he missed they could take it.

But whoever was running was pretty fast, even for him and they were getting away. He tried his best to keep up, but he knew it was just a matter of time before they got away.

But what if they had information on Alayna? What if they had her?

Suddenly Ethan was beside him. But just for a second because soon he breezed right by him. He took long confident steps as he ran and his power assisted him well.

In seconds, Ethan had caught up with the guy. Before the guy could react, Ethan tackled him around the waist. They both tumbled across the ground and the invisible guy finally reverted to his true form.

"Ha!" Zakota exclaimed as he ran to catch up with them.

Ethan grabbed the guy and turned him onto his stomach. Then he bent his arm behind his back and placed a knee on it. Zakota had forgotten that Ethan was a street fighter. Probably not the best, but still he belonged with them.

"Great job," Zakota said breathlessly.

Ethan nodded to him and then looked down at the guy pinned breath him. He groaned and writhed under his grasp, but there was no way he was getting away this time.

"You... are coming with us!" Zakota said menacingly.

Fallen Gods: AbductionWhere stories live. Discover now