Drabble 1

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I spent the night crying over you again.
It's nothing new
To tell you the truth I've been up trying to finish my song about you for months
But I've hung up my guitar and lost myself in the melody
The memory of you stings and I just feel like I can't breath
I can't eat
I can't sleep
and I need to know that you're okay
Because every time I dream
You visit me and it hurts because I know that you're not here
My imagination gets ahead of me inevitably
And Consciously it's out of my control
The constant lying to myself is starting to get old
And I'm getting withered and tattered and shredded to bits
A part of me died when you did.
The part of me that loves and laughs and makes me human.
But now I'm just a broken vessel and I've become someone you couldn't believe.
Done things you wouldn't predict from me.
I remember a time when I could say I was happy
But those times died when you did.

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