Chapter 15

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Sophie's POV

I was glad when Nationals was coming to an end. As much as I love swimming I kept running into Henry and he still doesn't realise that I'm not going to help him. Will made his decision and as much I still like him I'm not going to try and get him back. He made his choice and if that is what he wants then I'm not going crawling back to him.

I was getting more and more media attention because I was winning events. I wasn't in the mood though. They all asked the stupidest of questions. It's like the dumbest people go into journalism. I kept running it Will as well and that was super awkward. Occasionally he would start a conversation but he knew that I didn't want to talk.

Currently I am sitting in the meet room waiting for the final event, the medley relay. The other three girls are awkwardly avoiding talking to me and I roll my eyes.

"I know that you don't like me but for ten minutes just deal with me," I snapped.

Emily looked really guilty and the other two turned away.

"I don't care what you think that I did to Will but I am here to swim and after this you can judge me as much as you want because I don't care," I repeated.

"Sophie, we aren't judging you but you hurt our friend," Emily said softly.

"You guys don't see it do you? I'm sick of bitches judging me and you can say what you want because it's not going to hurt me because I realise that you weren't really my friends like everyone else," I snapped just before we got called out to start.

Emily looked at me like I had two heads but I stood up and walked out. We were in lane 5 because there was another team that had a faster team by about half a second. I was the last swimmer like usually so I stood back.

We were just ahead when it came to my turn. I made to dive in properly and push off. I was swimming as fast as I could. I didn't want to win just for winning but also to show Emily that I didn't care and I would try and win.

We did and I jumped out of the pool. All three of my "teammates" hugged me as I got out of the pool. Emily smiled at me and di just rolled my eyes. We got ushered out of the way and I had to do another interview. I was glad to get out of there and be heading home. I saw Henry when I left the pool but he was getting on the team bus and luckily didn't notice me.

Lucas was the only one home when I returned. I dumped my swim bag by the door and he just looked at me.

"Where have you been?" he asked.

"Why do you care?" I countered.

"I don't know maybe because I want to talk to you and I'm sorry," he said.

"You think that sorry is going fix this?" I asked incredulously.

"You know Soph it isn't the end of the world."

"It might not be the end of yours but it certainly is the end of mine."

"You know it's not always about you, we had rules and you broke them."

"And it's not always about you either Lucas."

"I'm sorry, we haven't spoken in weeks."

"We haven't spoken since you took away my friends and my brother," I snapped.

"How did I take your brother away?" he asked.

"I don't even know who you are anymore."

"I'm still your brother Soph. I'm right here and I'm not sure what else to do."

"What do you want Lucas? Do you want us to hang out and help each other with homework? Is that what you want? Because you lost that."

"I'm sorry Sophie and I really want you back," he said.

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