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Hey guys! Thanks for clicking on to my story:)

Note that this material is under international protection of copyright, any part taken from the story without my permission by printing or any electronic medium will be violating the laws.

I just wanna say that please don't steal my work, and please let me know if you find anything like this somewhere else.

Yeah, except the original book called No Escape, please don't press a report button on that because it is also my work.
This is originally my idea, not a fanfic or on a cliche:)

Good to be back, I've been thinking a lot and I realized that No Escape is not actually up to the mark, so I've decided to change it to a whole new level.
I have also decided to change the name to Clasped.
Yeah, you may find the characters to be same, some are new, and and you may also find that some chapters to be same but I would have detailed it more or add extra scenes:) but this is going to have a lots more of chapters, you may find a slightly different story line but this my friends I guarantee will sweep your feet off;)
Here is the prologue, tell me how it is:)

Disclaimer: I don't own any images or videos used in this story.

This is my own story on another account due to few problems with my original account... And I officially change my virtual name from sanzaclara to Victoria

Anyway, enjoy the story:)



I groaned in annoyance as my body ached like shit due to this unchangeable position I was seated in. I felt like I was inside an oven with a table fan blowing wind all over me.

My eyes refused to open but the heat hitting my back would definitely leave a nasty sunburn. My head was heavy with extra 100 pounds that suddenly appeared from nowhere. I slowly tried to open my eyes but the blinding light hurt them so badly that I had to closed them again. I could feel the motion though I sat still like a rock.

Finally making my mind up, I lifted my head off his chest. My eyes burnt like hell but I ignored the trickling tears as I slowly opened them. I was still too sleepy for my grasping ability to realize what was happening. The wind blew my hair right into my face.

okay, I understood that we were moving in some kind of vehicle with around 70 miles per hour speed. Everything zoomed past me so fast as if a race had been conducted and I was definitely in it. The barren land with cracks on it surface, the sand, big rocks and rocky mountains was the only sight to see and occasionally animal skulls and skeletons too. Basically I was in the middle of nowhere.

No other sign of life could be seen, except him, of course, could I even consider him?

And to top it all, this burningly hot, garish sun was making me bath in my own sweat. I pushed a bit away from him to catch a breath. I was sick of inhaling his intoxicating scent. After all he was my only company in this desert now as he had abducted me.

I could feel my head spinning and bile rise up my throat yet I tried to force myself out of sleep as I tried rising up from his chest but then I wasn't as strong as I had expected myself to be. I fell back to him like a stone falls down due to gravity and blamed it upon my lack of determination.

As if the greatest award winning observation, it finally dawned on me that he was riding a bike this time. For a moment I wished that it was only a nightmare like any other day but I knew very well that my nightmare this time was very much real!

He had me straddled about his waist facing him while he raced like hell hounds were at his tail. I peeked over his shoulder to confirm if my sarcasm hadn't turned into reality unlike last time. Seeing that there was nothing else except his backpack, suddenly I wished that hell hounds to really chase him away for good but for the moment I was riding with him too! And the thought of ugly dogs chasing after me gave me goosebumps. This made me selfish for my own safety.

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