chapter 8

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Camila P.O.V

We didn't know what was wrong with Ariana but she wasn't talking to us at all. But she was so happy. She was always outside with whoever it was

"What is possibly wrong with her?" I asked the girls

"I don't know that night she was gonna leave but then we stopped her and then the next day she let the house and now she's not here again." Normani said

We heard the door open then close. It was Ariana she walked passed us and went to her room.

"Ok she's probably been out with daisy or kiara." Dinah said

"Should we ask?" Ally asked

"Maybe." I said

"Probably not cuz she probably doesn't even want to speak to us." Dinah said

"No she probably does you never know." I said standing up

"Has she even spoken to ada or someone?" Normani asked

"Nope they all keep saying that she won't even say one word to them and she shares a room with ada and she won't speak to her. Plus as many times they tried she just wouldn't speak but she seems happy." I said.

"She will eventually speak to us right?" Ally asked

"Yeah maybe." I said

She came back downstairs. And was smiling again but she didn't speak to us. But then she stopped in her tracks and then turned around. And then doorbell rung.

"Um I'll get it." She said running to get it.

She opened it and a boy with brown hair and light brown eyes.

"Um has anyone seen my sisters?" She asked

"Yeah game room." I said

"Thanks you just stay here I will be right back." She said to the boy.

She ran to the hall and got her sisters and then came back.

"What's going on?" Ada asked sitting next to us.

"Well the only reason why I've been so happy and not in the house is because... well first this is Dylan and cuz he's my boyfriend." She said

We all looked shocked.

"Wait what your boyfriend. I'm sorry but to be honest he's better looking then justin." Melani said

"Thanks don't worry I'll be respectful to your sister." He said

"Is that why you said.. well we will talk about that later but congratulations." Hamna said

"Does this go for a sister hug?" Ada asked

"Sure why not." Ariana said.

"Wow that's good." Dinah said

We all spoke to him and everything until he left.

"Ok so back to what I wanted to say is that why you said we didn't care about your happiness?" Hamna asked

"Yeah. What you all didn't realize is that I came back late is cuz... wait actually let's start from the show when I was backstage. I was backstage with Dylan. Then when you all got mad at me I came late cuz I was out on a date with him. He asked me out. And then yesterday he kissed me and asked me to be his girlfriend I said yes but you guess do know who he is right." She said

We all shook our heads.

"He's the one I went to school with when I was in second grade." She said
"Oh yeah I remember now." Melani said

"Awww that's so cute." Normani said

"But why didn't you tell us?" Lauren asked

"Cuz I knew if I did it would be a whole big deal and plus you guys was to busy yelling at me. And being mad that I didn't want to." Ariana said

"Well then... we are all sorry." I said

"I never said that." Ada said smiling. "Just kidding."

We all crowed her in a hug.

"Wait but... I'm sorry too I should have came back on time and I realize that lauren you was just trying to make sure I was ok. And I should have checked my phone for miss calls or texts." She said

"It's ok." Lauren said smiling

"So now what should we do?" I asked

"Let's go to the game room." Chasiti said

We all did when we got there we all played games but then ariana was sitting on the couch.

"Hey are you ok?" I asked walking towards her.

"Yeah I'm fine." She said

"Don't lie to little old camz." I said making her laugh

"No I'm serious 'little old camz' nothing is wrong." She said

"Ok just making sure." I said

"Thanks but I'm fine. I'm glad you got to meet him." She said

"Does he know your favorite color is blue and your favorite show empire and you don't like to read?" I asked

"Yes." She said laughing

"Cool now you can help me prank dinah and lauren." I said grabbing her arm

"How?" She asked.

"All we need is jelly and pickle juice." I said

We got up and got the stuff we was actually mixing everything together. We ran behind dinah and lauren and poured it all over their heads.

"Camz Ariana I'm gonna hurt you." Dinah yelled

Lauren looked pissed and so we ran all the way upstairs.

"Camz come here." Ariana said pulling me arm into a room

We was in her room and locked the door. We heard lauren and dinah cursing.

"Open this door." Lauren yelled.

"Is there a way out?" I asked

"Yes the window let's go." Ariana said

We climbed out the window and went down the later and then we ran to the doombuggie.

"I told you me and you can get them easy." I said as Ariana started to drive.

We drove all over the place until we went back to the house. Cuz we had to be back on the tour tomorrow. Went thru the window again.

"Camz no dont..." Ariana started but it was to late I fell in her room.

"Don't step on the chair." Ariana finished helping me up.

"I'm fine." I said standing up

We opened my room door and saw everyone sitting downstairs.

"We left for like 2 hours we went thru my window." Ariana said

Both of us laughing cuz they didn't know.

"Whatever let's go we are back on tour tomorrow." Dinah said

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