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It was just another day for most people in the village, everyone going about their daily chores and waiting for the weekend to come. However someone was not quite so carefree; there was a dark burden hanging over a young girl. She did not have the easiest of lives and her mind was a cavernous space of confused thoughts and worries, multiplying in the undiscovered corners of her mind. Hawla kept these thoughts to herself and became tangled within her complicated mind.

She had harboured these feelings for a long time, she was teased at school and the other girls spited her. Every minute in school was torture, however one particular girl was the main cause of her dread. She could deal with the rest of it. Anya called her names, tripped her up. Once they had been in class when Hawla had felt an awful pain shoot from her elbow to her shoulder, she had looked down and there was one, neat cut on her elbow. Anya was sitting beside her with a scalpel. She had cut her while she was turned around. Various other dangerous events had taken place over the course of the three years they had known each other and now was the breaking point for Hawla. She was angry and distraught, she could take no more of this. So a plot began to come together within an empty space in her brain, one she had never used before, that many never use in their entire lives...

Hawla lay on her bed, thinking, wondering why she was thinking these thoughts. She knew though that she really did just want Anya to leave this world. She had never been a dangerous girl before but now she was becoming increasingly worrying. She distanced herself from other people, even her family at times. Her life seemed miserable to everyone around her. Hawla lay awake all night, she could take a knife to where she knew Anya would be. If she could only attempt to harm her in a small way.

As she thought about it, she began to go against herself. 'This is not right! Why am I thinking this stuff?' However, that corner of her mind was persuading her to go against her conscience. 'Just do it, Anya has caused me far too much pain. Now she needs to feel what I feel everyday.' This went on for the rest of the night, her mind blackened as she thought through her plan for the next day, 'Don't do this Hawla, just put up with it for a little longer. It will be over soon.'

'No, you have put up with this for far too long. Don't waste this chance' Hawla's mind screamed with sirens and she became more and more terrorised by her own thoughts. Her conscience was confusing her.

The next morning, Hawla woke up. She had not slept much and was tired however the plan still seemed like a good idea. Knowing where Anya would be, she crept out of the house and towards the park. There she was, with two of her closest friends. Hawla continued to walk down the path, casually. They saw her and came towards her. 'Refrain! Think again! Please don't do this Hawla! You could get into serious trouble!'

'It is going to happen! Now is your chance, don't waste it!' As Anya walked towards her, she began to shout teasing phrases at Hawla. Slipping the knife out of her coat pocket, Hawla knew she was finally going to get revenge for all that had happened to her. She lifted it and slashed it down Anya's arm. Then she realised what she had done, Anya began to scream at her in agony. Hawla jumped up and ran, far away...

Anya was rushed to hospital soon after and Hawla was in an enormous amount of trouble, she regretted that moment forever...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2015 ⏰

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