-Chapter 2: and finally, Iriskit-

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☾Iriskit's point of view [p.o.v] ☾
[time skip: at this point, our kits are six moons today]
Apprentices, galaxies of snow, briar thorns, tangerine, how a lead-bare's cloud would taste, apprenticeship, and oh, did I mention my apprentice ceremony! are all on my thoughts today.
The impending sense of freedom waltzes by in soon-to-be-true fantasies as I tip my gaze back into the frozen sky. The sky would've been a flawless beast of somber, dappled gray, if not for the crows making their way across the clouds. The points of breathless twigs under my body snap frostily.
We, my family and I, sit in a small, dignified huddle on the muddy ground in camp as cats filter in under the rock for the meeting Tanglestar had just called for.
I'm so excited, but oh, is it cold! Frore seems to seep in between my toes. Won't they begin shortly? I shuffle my paws patiently. Patiently, patiently, patiently!
"Stop moving, love," Parrotfur's hushed mew washes over my bitterly-cold ears. "Tanglestar's about to start the ceremony!"
"Mum! I'm not even moving that m-" I hold my breath, focusing my gaze for a moment on the network of burnt mango and white pelt Parrotfur perfects. I have to be quiet...
The scent of ShadowClan mingled me as the I close my eyes, listening to the snapping crescendo of conversation of my Clanmates. A waft of sleek fur bouts my nose as my sister's tail makes contact with it. She lets out a squeak.
Parrotfur bristles next to me. "Act like an apprentice, Pantherkit!"
I swallow, curling my tail around my frigid paws. Leafbare's hiss is like ice dragonflies, freezing fragile, but unfaltering. I let out a frustrated breath.
"She's just excited is all, Parrotfur," Dustkit chirps for our disgruntled sister, who mumbles incoherently of how she simply fell.
"Well, alright, Dustkit. But please, all of you settle down."
"Look who's the favorite child..." Pantherkit says poisonously in Dustkit's ear, giggling.
"Be quiet, kits. And flatten your fur, Iriskit. You look like fresh-killed squirrel!" My caretaker's tongue coursed over my forehead for the umpteenth time this morning.
I struggle out of Parrotfur's motherly wrath. It's true I love her, and I know she means well, but I'm fine, honestly!
Suddenly, a familiar voice tinkles by my side. "I bet ThunderClan won't stand a chance against us once these kits grow up!" A pretty she-cat steps forward and butts Parrotfur affectionately with her head. "Am I right?"
A chesty-voiced Thrushthorn chortles darkly. "Warfare always on your mind, ain't it, Fawnpool?"
Fawnpool's gaze fills with mock-argument. "Well, I'm just saying we should be prepared. And having a strong new generation, like, these kits, helps." She winked at her friend.
Long ebony legs twined into the circle of the small Clan.  "Well, having any generation helps. Jeez! This is the first apprentice ceremony ShadowClan's had in, what, ten seasons?" Heatherfrost, a graceful and loyal warrior, snorts with a toss of her jet-black head.
"Hmm... I suppose that that much time has passed Rushingheart and Rabbittail were our last kits born, and Rushingheart's the deputy now." Fawnpool says.
I wonder if what she'd think of me? I lift my gaze to the she-cat, whose gray-blue fur tumbles on her defined body. She's definitely strong...
"We were cute, though! I wish we had more kits." Rabbittail chirps, tucking his tail around his paws comfortably as he joins the group.
Heatherfrost rolls her eyes. "Well, maybe y'all should get mates, then!"
"Oh, look who's talking. You wouldn't get a she-cat or a tom fall for you if you two were the last cats in camp!" Thrushthorn retorts as he dodges Heatherfrost's claws.
"Oh, yeah. Romance is alive and well here in ShadowClan," says Rabbittail sarcastically, glancing at Heatherfrost and Thrushthorn, who are exchanging sheathed punches.
I've been hearing stories of our senior warriors ever since early kithood, when Mintflower would sweep us kits together with her tail and spin a story of our ancestor and fellow Clanmates.
Despite a history created by neighboring Clans that chooses to highlight the negative aspects of ShadowClan's past, we're beginning to look forward to the future, I think.
And they, for us, will do the same.
Pantherkit's steep shoulder unexpectedly nudges into me, and I squeal. Wait...the ceremony! It's starting!
The conversational chatter dims. Even Dustkit's chatter ebbs as Tanglestar's tabby paws stride across the rock at the head of the hollow.
"Cats of ShadowClan!"
this is it this is it thisis it this isit thisisit thisisit thisisitthisisit is it this this is it
I can't move. Oh, gosh, how will I get up when it's my turn? What if my mentor doesn't like me?
"--This morning, a ceremony marks a very important event in a cat's life. Today, three of our kits have reached the age of six moons where they will advance to become apprentices of ShadowClan. Pantherkit, Dustkit, and Iriskit, please step forward. "
Tanglestar's voice is so beautiful and clear, cutting across the hollow, that I almost relax, though every nerve in me tingles as I obey.
"Pantherkit--" He says, beckoning her with his tail. My sister lifts her head and strides forward. She's so brave!
"--You have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Pantherpaw. Your mentor will be Thrushthorn. I hope Thrushthorn will pass down all he knows on to you."
Thrushthorn! I smile. He's such a patient cat. She'll learn so much from him, I know it!
"Thrushthorn, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from the late Lightyowl, and you have shown yourself to be true and gallant. You will be the mentor of Pantherpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Pantherpaw."
"Thank you!" She calls as she joins her mentor. "Thank you, Tanglestar!"
A beam of sunlight swishes over the clearing, free of cloudy chains. Dustkit steps forward, and the voices begin to blend and wash together, so I can only here my growing fears.
I'm last, and next. What does that mean? Does it mean I'm not as good? What does it mean? I squeeze my eyes shut just as the newly-named Dustpaw flutters to his new mentor...black fur... He got Heatherfrost...
"And finally, Iriskit."
My paws are lead.
My chest is a rampage.
My step is heavy and trembling.
But I look up, slowly, to meet Tanglestar's humble gaze.
He pronounces clearly, more to the Clan than me: "Iriskit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Irispaw. Your mentor will be Rabbittail. I hope Rabbittail will pass down all he knows on to you."
Tanglestar rises from his poised position, tail high, nodding as the fawn-furred tabby stands.
"Rabbittail, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from (former mentor), and you have shown yourself to be quick and kind-hearted. You will be the mentor of Irispaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Irispaw."
Rabbittail! Sure, he wasn't a natural leader like Rushingheart or Heatherfrost, but he seems pretty rad. Of course, I don't know him that well. STILL...
"Thank you, Tanglestar," I say, not quite loud enough, before spinning on my paws to accompany beaming Rabbittail.
"Hi, Irispaw." He meows, greeting me with the traditional nose-touching. "I'm honored to have been chosen to train you."
Look, he doesn't hate you, silly!
"You too! I mean...um...not the training part..." I wince, even though he giggles. Oh gosh....



\\ A/N: so beforehand I was thinking of changing the point of view each chapter to a different kit, but I decided to keep Iriskit for the first three or so chapters.
I just really enjoy writing her. She's so observant and wondering, so it's kinda fun.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates/hiatus. I haven't been feeling my best. But I'm alright now (: And with break here, I can focus more on my writing.

These are just mostly filler chapters for now, but please stay tuned! Chapter 3 will be up in at least two weeks, I'm hoping!

Song of choice: "Semi-Automatic" by twenty one pilots! My fave band, in fact (; I enjoyed your songs!

*cough cough*share with others in the comments besides me*cough cough*

Happy Holidays & New Years!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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