Chapter 4

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I do not own this video!

Wendy's P.O.V.

When I woke up I saw that I was in an infirmary, but not Fairy tail's infirmary I decided I should get back to my apartment, Carla must be worried and wondering where I am? I looked around I found a door but decided not to take it I got out of bed and winced with pain I looked down and saw that my arm was wrapped and my leg was bruised and bloody. I then noticed somebody sleeping in a chair beside me.  "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" I screamed noticing that it was Sting of Sabertooth he jumped up out of his chair I made a mad dash towards the window I was about to jump out of the window when Sting grabbed me by the hand and pulled me back into the room " Listen up Fairy girl if you want to jump out that window by all means be my guest but just so you know its a four story drop" he stated 

I stopped struggling to get out of his grip he let go of my arm and said 

"You know there's a door right there but I guess you're a Fairy so you have to do it the hard way". 

Just then Rogue came in "She's up already Yukino said it'd be a week or two before she gets up."He said as he handed me glass of water hesitantly I took a sip I was seriously  parched.

After that there was a long awkward  moment  of silence "Well I should really be heading back to my guild but thanks  for  your  help" I said as I started walking/running towards the door."W-wait . ...."Sting started I couldn't  hear the rest because I slammed the door in his face I was walking towards the doors everyone in Sabertooth  was looking at me and whispering I looked at a certain boy with red hair and green eyes he stared at me and the hairs on the back of my neck went up *he is pretty cute* i thought to myself... Wait! why am I thinking that and I consciously started to face palm myself of my idiocy. Without knowing I was staring at the strange boy then a girl around my age walked beside him and gave him a kiss on his cheek my heart fell into my stomach but I  don't know why?The girl was very pretty she had brown eyes and hazel hair and brown freckles.

I finally decided to look away cause it must seem creepy for me to just stare at him I looked away, walked two steps and ran into someone I looked up and saw Jiemma. Sabertooth's guild master. ''So miss Wendy is it? Well as you know I'm  Sabertooth's guild master. I was wondering if you would like to join Sabertooth.  I saw your power at the GMG and with my aid I could make you stronger then Gildarts'' He stated confidently I gasped horrified at this suggestion and yelled back.


Everyone was shocked of my response someone came at me with his fist ready to punch me but Jiemma stopped him and stared at him and the men walked past me and sneered.

"Seems you need time to think about it Sabertooth's doors will always be open to you Wendy I'm pretty sure I will be seeing you again.'' he said calmly I was about to say something when he vanished.

I turned and speed walked/ran to Fairy tail.

When I arrived I got a stern lecture from Carla''Really Wendy don't just disappear without telling me'' she said angry.

''Gomm--'' I was about to finish when I saw Romeo-kun kissing Chelia-chan. Right then my whole world broke into a thousand tiny pieces. They parted and Chelia noticed me looked at me with eyes of regret and sadness Romeo looked at me and frowned. I felt tear fall down my face I ran into the guild and my guild mates started to throw magic at me and yelled insults at me.

''YOU GUYS TOLD ME EVERYONE ONE HERE IS FAMILY DO YOU THINK THIS IS HOW FAMILY TREAT EACH OTHER ''with that statement i ran off to Macarove's office I didn't even knock.


Macarov didn't ask a question but a  single tear came down his face soon my insingia vanished from my arm.

''Thank you Macarove for everything this isn't the last you will see me''I said putting up a thumbs up instead of using the door I jumped out of the window not caring if I would get hurt  when I was about to touch the ground Carla caught me ''Arigato Carla ''I said quietly she just put on a fake smile we walked back home together Carla is my only friend and always will be my only friend.


So sorry for not updating lately i will try to update at least once a week Arigato 






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