Untitled (because I suck at thinking of titles)

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(A/N: So pretty much I wrote this in an hour for my Creative Writing class as an assessment piece. It's pretty ragged, but yeah. It's also basically Death Note fan fiction. Enjoy.)

He stared at her with intrigued eyes. They were the most gorgeous hazel brown, deep and endearing, but they were also cold, devoid of any emotion. She couldn't stop looking. He smirked as they made eye contact, his expression changing to one that issued an unspoken challenge. She shrugged and turned away. She'd had enough of his games to last for a lifetime.

He could have killed her by now. She knows his secret. How he's killed so many people in so few days. As she watched him across the classroom, watched him be the perfect student, she knew that he would toy with her until she was of no use anymore. Lying, manipulating, scheming boy, hiding behind his mask of a good reputation, unbeknownst to others, judging them as he sat there doing algebra. She could see the notebook on his lap under the table, the stark white pages nearly full. Full of names. The names of criminals.

She shuddered. Her friend sitting next to her gave her a strange look to which she just shook her head. She couldn't involve anyone else. They'd be dead before they even realised they'd done anything wrong. He kills anyone who he thinks of as a threat, he told her himself. She had cornered him, demanding why. He asked how she had found out he was the killer and she had said she just knew. She had pleaded with him to stop and he had given her a sermon on his 'new world order.' He wants to become a god. And he said he had the power to do it.

The bell for the end of class rang, startling her out of her worries. As her classmates gathered up their belongings and left, she rubbed her eyes. She stood up, picked up her books and turned to leave.

"Yura." He called to her, smiling his charming smile. She scowled and looked at him blankly. "We're still on for tonight, right?"

She just shrugged. He smiled at her again and walked out the door. Her friend rushed over as soon as he was gone, gushing about how lucky she was that one of the most popular boys in school was taking her out on a date. Yura didn't have the heart to tell her that she doubted she would survive the week. She'd gotten him the information he'd wanted. The file was in her bag. She'd outlived her usefulness and she knew it. But she just smiled and nodded to her friend, laughing along with her. She might as well have fun while she could.

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