Chapter 5 - Five

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Chapter 5 - Five

A/N: I really had no idea where I was planning on going with this chapter. Enjoy. You don't really have to read this, it was half-assed and contributes nothing to the plot.

Recap: The Alfea Students visit Beta School Of Magic because of reasons that weren't explained to the winx. Though, they figured out that someone was sending threats to the school because Clea decoded a message saying so.


If one were to look at Luke Liverenn, the first thing that would come to mind was cold. But eyes decieve you, and at heart, he was truly warm. He wouldn't want anyone to know about his emotions - not even his closest friends.

Acting is quite a superficial thing, if it was to be described by him. Though nobody was asking, so life went on. He noticed that his brain often spoke in riddles, constantly flexing, changing and mystifying.

Life was very confusing, it seemed. But in saying that, once could easily argue it was really, really simplistic.

It's better to leave these thoughts until later. As staring at sunsets was the topic of the hour.



Though the ginger named Arnold Smith and the black-haired named Dale Snyder looked nothing alike, they were constantly misinterperated as brothers.

In fact, they were so alike for an entire month Dale unofficially changed his last name to Smith. Funny thing was, he still got called 'Dale Smith' even now. They'd laugh about it constantly, and if you weren't aware of what was happening, they'd just look like a couple of loonies.

The story of the time they met was a strange one, not often told. It all began when they were eleven. Before they even attended Red Fountain. A very hot day. Everyone stayed inside - there were reports of flares in the sky.

The thing about Melody, though was that the houses in the Eastern side of Base de Nu, (the small town of 25,000 in which the duo lived) was the alleys. The houses were close together, with small alleyways in between each street - this is where they met.

"Shouldn't you be inside?" The eleven year old Arnold asked another boy, looking out of his window.

"Eh." Was his reply. "Probably."

"So why aren't you?" Arnold thought "Well come in here, we've got cookies."

Though Arnold did not know it, and maybe never would - there was a reason Dale was outside. He saved the eleven year-olds life. And the thanks he got was never really analyzed.

It was a little tedious to Dale, looking back.



Red Fountain was all about fighting, but not everybody who attended it liked it. Most royal and upper middle to upper class repressed the magical genes in males. It was a stupid tradition, to Aronn. A prince is not a profession, at all. But a fighter is, even though there is no reason to fight.

And even if there was, what's a sword to magic? Nothing. A tiny comparison of no hope to everything. It wasn't poetry, it was a cold unspoken truth. But the subconscious of everyone who had taken the repressent of fighting, just knew.

People like Luke seemed like strangers to him. Sure, they were a team, but they were total opposites. He just fought without question, it was a little foreign. If only he could see the hopelessness of this art.

He thought of his sister, Summer. She was supposed to be attending Alfea - but an illness had struck her. It wasn't fatal, but she couldn't leave Solaria until the cold days set in. She never understood him at all, too busy focusing on the less important things in life. Well, they were important to her.

Not that it mattered to Summer what anybody else thought. But to him, it mattered very much.



Draine had wanted to visit Mystrio someday. As he flipped through the news, all that came up was one thing: Delona's Queen was missing. He chuckled, thinking Lunace and her friends would most likely be trying to find her. It was the sort of thing they'd do.

"It is unknown as to whether she has been kidnapped for randsom; as no notices have come up. But if anybody knows anything, please contact the MBIC Centre in Mystrio immediately." The reporter looked hesistant, and she signed off. He figured he may as well call the girls, see if they knew about this. He dialed their dorm's number, and waited.

'Hello nobody's available right now if it's really important, leave a message after the beep!' Lanasha's cheerful voice bounced out, and there was a beep.

"It's Draine. Just wondering if you heard anything about the situation in Delona, um...that's it really. Bye!" He hung up.

"Delona?" He looked up to see who had just arrived - Dale. "That's all anybodies talking about, it's very boring."

"It is classified as a Dimensional Crisis."

"True, but seriously? 20 bucks says that she's dead." Luke arrived.

"Weren't you in class or something?" Dale turned to Luke, "Like, two minutes ago?"

"Probably. Maybe. I ditched." He rolled his eyes. "But seriously, suddenly dissapears, no randsom note, sounds like this whole investigation is pointless."

"Oh show some faith,"

"In who, exactly?" It was a fair point. And a after a pause, Luke continued. "Exactly."


A/N: Yeah, I tried. Extremely short chapter, I know. Not my best work - let's be honest. The guys do learn about the fact that Clea is secretly at Alfea. I'm done here for now.

Chapter 6'll be released on the 19th.

'till then: bye!


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