The Beggining

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              It was a long school day, and I was exhausted. I couldn't wait to get home and try the new release of Sword Art Online. I walked as fast I could in my drained body. It was about a fifteen minute walk, but I was hyped for the gift that lied within my bedroom desk. I rushed up the apartment stairs and busted through the front door and ran to my room. I assembled my nerve gear, and jumped right in. The first load-up was the character creation menu. I customized my character with the most pale blonde hair color, and ocean blue eyes. My weapon choice was a really long iron sword. Once I joined I was taken to The Town Of Begginings. I wandered around and met a few people that also bought the early access of the game. After lurking around, I am teleported to the middle of the town, with every other player. I glance at the sky to see a odd-figured man wearing a red robe. This man begins speaking about the game and I don't pay much attention to the words he says. While I glance away, I hear him say something about the logout button and I check my menu. What I see sends a shock down my spine, the logout button is gone! Everyone begins panicking while I sit there in shock. I ask a fair modeled player how are we supposed to escape and the fair modeled player says something about reaching 100 floors. I thank the player and rush out of the city to gain experience points to gain an advantage on the rest of the SAO world.

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