Waking Up Where?

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My first, I hope you like it. -F.L.E.M.

"Ugh, I would have never thought that I would actually wake up in Vegas with a major hangover, no wallet, and no idea of where I am. Hah! How cliche, cliche indeed. Levion *sigh* what have you gotten yourself into this time my friend?"he grumbled. There he was sprawled out on the ground at a corner located in Las fucking Vegas. He stood up slowly in his grey t-shirt and fitting jeans which really didn't feel to good at the moment. They were covered in god only knows what. But the question was where the hell was he? And what in the hell happened? Who the hell was he with? How drunk was he in order to get this messed up? And what the fuck was on his shirt and jeans? Ok that was more than one question but that was besides the point. But what ever was on his shirt and jeans really began to get him. He really hoped it wasn't barf and if it was he really hoped it was his at least. He tried not to think about it because the more he thought about it the more naseous

he became. As he glanced around, he couldn't have helped but to notice that he felt an odd bulge in his back pocket. Almost as if it were a reflex, he quickly reached into his back pocket and out came a crumpled up piece of paper with neat words on it that read: " Ha. Hope you're not dead, Levi." He couldn't help but smirk at this little comment. For he was used to getting into crazy predicaments like this one. And boy was he going to find out how he got himself into this one. Well first things first, try to find his way back to the hotel and find his pals. Hopefully none of them ended up in the same boat as him.

Now to remember who came along on this trip in the first place.

There was Ricky, his partner in crime that dragged him along on the trip in the beginning. This guy is one who lives and thrives on the crazy experiences of life. A skinny, yet lean young fellow in his early twenties who is full of excitement. A beach and adrenaline junkie is a good way to describe this guy. He has shoulder length hair that's black and has tanned skin. Tanned skin that says he's one that is constantly under the rays of the sun. Interesting fellow indeed. And judging by the hand writing on the note from his back pocket, Levion could surely tell that it was Ricky's. That slick little bastard. Two can play at that game. Next time this happened, he would make sure that Ricky would end up in the same exact spot he was in now. Stranded on the street, in the middle of Las Vegas or somewhere, with a disgusting, mysterious substance on his clothes, with a crumpled piece of paper that would exactly read "Pay back is a bitch, huh." Oh he could taste the sweet victory of getting payback on Ricky but wait there was Marqui( Mark-kee) the "mom" of the group and Frankie. Well let's just say Frankie is...well Frankie. Just... yea. Frankie is freaking Frankie. He has an interesting personality. Normal doesn't even come close to describing Frankie but hey that's what so great about him. Now when it comes to Frankie he's your typical blonde blue eyed guy and he's buff. But the thing is, he wouldn't harm a fly. The gentle giant is something Levion would compare his friend to. That is, until you piss him off. Then its going to be Hulk up in that bitch. And Levion has definitely seen him go HULK. Yea, no one has to remind him NOT to get on his bad side. Ever. Though he's a bit timid but you can persuade him to do anything. But he's definitely not your average guy. Example A : a normal person would eat chips with salsa or chips with some kind of dip. But Frankie, oh no. No he eats chips with peanut butter or chips with mayonnaise. Totally gross but interesting. Example B: normal people sleep in beds or on the couch. Frankie sleeps in the bathtub even in his own apartment. You'd think for such a big and buff guy that this is quite uncomfortable but he says he likes it. And finally, the one that tops it off, example C: normal people wear pajamas to sleep or in some cases their birthday suit, like Levion. No judge. But Frankie on the other hand wears saran wrap around his abdomen to sleep in and nothing but saran wrap. Like who in the hell wears... geez! And Legion only knows this because he happened to stop by Frankie's apartment one day just check up on him. But only to find out he was asleep...in his bathtub....in saran wrap around his stomach...and nothing else. That was the quickest Levion has ever ran out of Frankie's apartment besides the time when Ricky had a flamethrower. Levi shook his head trying to relieve himself of the memory. Levion always asked why Frankie continues to wrap himself in saran wrap and Frankie always reply with something about "sweating off the fat while sleeping" nonsense. So yea wearing saran wrap while sleeping in the bathtub naked. Totally normal. Yea, he's far off the radar. But that is why Levion likes his weird friend Frankie.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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