going to hell a.k.a school

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Dedicated to AngelicWolf

we were on i way to school but jake decided to pull over and said "i love you why cant you love me back is it that hard to love me " "to tell you the truth i do but i cant trust you because we got separated when we were 14 ,we were going out and we lost our memories because my parents put a spell on us to frogett each other but i remembre because i have visions and im a werewolf and we're soulmates and hurts that you dont remembre me "I said with tears in my eyes " I do know who you are i just thought you didn't know me " "we better head off to school"I said "yeah I think we should "he said when we get there we got out the car and he was crowded by a load of sluts and whores and a girl jumped on him and kissed him on the lips and jake pushed her off and said "fuck off ellie you cheated on me with my best friend " "ye i know i did but you forgave him just forgive me baby i love you " the whore said "ye but he was drunk you just pulled him to bed and you were not drunk and i dont love you i never have you were just a substituefor the girl i love and lost my virginity to and i was only dating you to get rid of my sexual frustration " "WHAT SO ME BEING WITH YOU WAS BECAUSE YOU WERE HUNG UP ON A GIRL THE LEFT BEFORE YOU CAME HERE "the WHORE shouted "yep because i love her and the girl is here next to me and we're getting married. michaela come here " he said and i walked over to him and he pulled me to his chest and kissed me like crazy then we pulled away and walked to the regestration office and the lady asked for my name I said "Michaela Stanley" and and she went here you go and we walked out of the office hand in hand and went to our first period science

Sorry it's short I did write this chapter before but my computer deleted it so heres the rewrite

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