4) Just My Luck.

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I step inside the school grounds only to be crashed and squished by people of all different kinds. So many students I couldn't even tell where I was going. I lost site of Randall and Britney. This is great Andy GREAT JOB because you got lost without even walking inside the school buildings.

Randall that jerk he was meant to show me around this new environment. I knew he wouldn't show me around but the least he could have done was to show me to the office. I guess I have to find the office on my own then. I was an independent women and I could find my way around this school without anyone's help I thought to my self. So I held my head high and walked where my legs were taking me.

As the crowd of people near the door cleared I spotted Randall from the corner. Thoughts of asking him for some help flew into my mind but I figured it would ruin my pride and also his pride because he wasn't alone he was with a gang of people who were also as intimidating as him and equally as hot as him.

The group consisted of two boys not including Randall and four other girls. A cute boy with blonde hair and blue eyes from my perspective, he looked to be the joker of the group because everyone else seemed to be laughing at every sentence he says. Next to Randall was another guy with brown hair and light brown eyes with an incredibly sexy stare who I could tell had an Asian background. Surrounding them were Britney and her friends as the other three girls along with Britney had the same kind of style and faces dripping with a shit-load of makeup.

I starred at them for a bit too long because the Asian guy caught sight of me and crinkled his eyebrows at me but quickly went back to the talking.

Embarrassedly looking away I notice that many other girls were also starring at this particular group. Some engraved their eyes on them as if the group were like some kind of celebrities. I mean yes they looked like Calvin Klein/Victoria secret models but why are other people giving them so much attention it's not like they are actual superstars.

I shake my head and decide to continue forward my journey to find the office before the bell rings.

After about three minutes of searching this humongous school I finally find my way to the front office. Just like usual offices it had one lady who looked bored of her job. She had dark-orange curls that sprung over her face covering half of her sea blue yes.

"Good morning I'm Florine! How may I help you?" she says with a forced white smile.

"Hi, I'm new here and I was wondering if you could help me out." I smile back.

"Oh you are the transfer from Greenvale. Sweetheart the only thing I can do is to give you timetable and locker and give the directions to your first class and the rest you will have to figure out by your self." Florine says.

"That's fine Florine." I smile back at her and wait for her to give me my equipment.

After getting my locker set and my timetable along with a map I make my way to my first period class: chemistry.

Florine had told me that the science lab was only a few classrooms away from were my locker was situated so I walk forward in hoping to find the lab. To my luck I find room 34 which is the lab in no time. Before knocking I look down at my outfit and straighten the creases of my uniform. After two knocks a voice invites me to come inside, taking a deep breath I enter.

A waft of chemicals flew by as I came in. I could see a about 20 pairs of eyes on me and knowing me I mentally imagined all of these kids judging me and with the thought of that, my self esteem suddenly went down to about negative 100.

"Welcome! I was informed a new student will attend my class, it must be you, I'm the head chemistry teacher Mr. Reynolds nice to meet you." He says while stopping the scribbling on the bored he was doing before he came in. "Introduce your self to the class." Oh great no! I don't want to drag attention to myself.

I give Mr. Reynolds a small smile and forcefully step forward to look up at the class. Oh gosh they are starring right through me. "Hi! I'm Andy short for Adiley, I used to live in a farm and I went to school in the country side but transferred here for my senior year. Nice to meet you all!" I beam. I got stares just stares not the quite reaction I was expecting as I was expecting more of an applause, but maybe it's different in these city schools.

Mr. Reynolds instructs me to sit at the back of the class and so I make my way to the back and instantly my eyes lock contact with Randall who was also starring at me with a disgusted look on his face, seriously what's his problem. I pass him and sit behind him next to a blonde girl with a bright smile.

"I know the struggle of moving school's through the year and not knowing people, I moved about 5 schools before joining Harpmore grammar at the start of last year." She extends her hand to me, "I'm Sarah. Sarah Hillious." We shake hands and whisper about random things to get to know each other and I instantly clicked with her.

"Omg I love Scott and Kira and man lets take a moment to acknowledge how hot Dylan O'Brian is!" we fangirl over teen wolf. Yes I watched teen wolf, I didn't have internet nor did I have data on my cell phone but when ever I went over to my grandma's house all I would do is log into her computer and spend hours catching up on teen wolf. I then thank the lord for helping me find such a good friend on my first day of school.

The bell rings short after and the whole class gets up from their yawning states as Mr. Reynolds was draining the class with chemistry equations the whole period and makes their way to the door. Sarah guides me towards the door. Everyone was cramped trying to get out as fast as they can but these idiots weren't making any progress.

An arm makes contact with my skin and when I follow the tall figure I land my eyes on no one other than Randall, he was also looking down at me. He bends down so his mouth is parallel to my ears and whispers "Congratulations you've just made yourself an easy target for the bullies, I mean why would you say you came from a farm it makes you seem even more weaker than you already look." This got me angry I mean I did nothing but introduce my self why is he making false accusations.

I might of come from a farm 'this line makes me seem like an animal, haha' but I had a few sarcastic remarks off my sleeve too and this was the perfect moment to spit one out. "Do you have like no friends or did your so called 'friends' ditch you because why are you suddenly talking me." I look up at him.

"So you think I'm a loner huh?" No, I've seen your friends. "Think whatever you want small tits." He whispers with a smirk and makes his way down the corridor.

I look down at my chest which was covered by my uniform, yeah my bust was pretty small. Maybe the only thing he looked for in a girl is their large breasts and huge ass but boobs aren't the only thing guys look for in a girl. "Oh come on that was an year ago, they grew!" I yell at him and he looks back with a even bigger smirk and keeps walking.

"Holy shizzles!, you know Rando?" Sarah asks with a surprised yet excited look in her face.

"No actually I'm living at his house, my parents are still at the farm so I'm staying with his mum and brother." I say with no emotion.

"You so have to invite me over, bro his like the prince of Harpmore Grammar no, the prince of Harpmore it self." This was the start of Sarah's fangirling and I had to listen to this until we reached the cafeteria for break.

We were currently sitting on a lunch table munching on our sandwiches as Sarah introduced me to her friends Lilian and Kelly. They were both very pretty, very nice girls just like Sarah.

"Oh almost forgot remember how I said our group has one guy well his coming now." Sarah points behind me and I turn my head to where the point of her finger was directed.

His face wasn't clear because he was so far away but I could tell that he was extremely tall with curly blonde hair. As he walked closer and closer the view also got clearer and clearer. Somehow this boy seemed very similar. Only when he was about 5 meters away from our table is when I recognized him: Grayson.

What the hell is he doing here!

The Virginity TheftOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora