Pani Behind the Mask Chapter 18

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Disclaimer I never wrote a story on real couple , this is my very first , this is based on my imaginations and IG pictures ( or if i say Pani Shipper assumptions) and Twitter post , guys nothing like this had happened in real life it is a cooked up story

In Bangalore

" Parth your mind is somewhere else and your eyes are so sleepy , you are giving tired look " the Photographer said

"Lets try once more " he took a deep breath and posed

" perfect " he click his picture " you may change now " he asked him and walked to the other site , Parth quickly check his cell ,he saw her dubsmash with Yuvraj " what a way to call me back ?" he smirk " so someone is making jealous " he smiles and feel relieve, " you don't know i love your anger " he smiled and changed , he received call from Kishwer , he picked it up

" what is this Parth? at first you invited all of us at your home and then you text the party is called off" she asked him angrily

" actually Di i had a photo shoot here " he made face and said

" why she is having a long face,and saying all over?" she whispered , he became serious

" all over ? Did she said that to you ?" he asked in shock

" yes " she said from other end

" do me a favor be with her ,i am on my way back , don't tell her please " he find hard to talk

Kishwer sense she has made him worried " right now she is shooting , i am going to my other set , as soon as i will finish shooting there i will pick her up " she said

"mmmmm" he bites his lips and said

" what mmmm ? " she asked him as his silence make her worried

" how can she say it is over ? is our relation is so fragile" he took a deep breath to calm himself

" you come back we will sit together and talk " she asked him very politely

" Di all the seats are booked , i will be back as soon as possible " he blink his eyes quickly to hide his tears

" take care ,see you very soon " she said and disconnect the call " they both are too young to face all this nonsense , now i am damn sure someone has threaten him " she drives start to her other show set

In Bangalore

" will she too walk out of my life ?" he look at her picture that he had capture while she was asleep " you don't trust me Niti " he touched his cell screen "Vik once again you played dirty game " he restlessly walked in the room " why i listened him ? he never liked my closeness with Niti , Shit i am a fool i again got trapped , i didn't trusted our friends nor my fans " he grab his things and walked out

"Sir i am really sorry , i can't continue this photo shoot as there is an emergency and i have to fly back to Mumbai " he said

"you didn't had appointment Vik asked me so i gave you time " He said irritatingly , Parth look at him in shock

" don't worry i will pay you for the full photo shoot " he said , something break inside him " Niti you were right he only use me when he needs me, my pictures he add to get fame " he walked away " while i was sick he added my picture in an awkward position without mine permission " he run his fingers in his hairs and grab a cab "Airport please " he asked the driver

Flash back

" Parth bus i am asking the director to pack up " she cupped his face and said

"Niti this is last scene " he smiled at him

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