You Hang Out/Pick-Up Lines (A)

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   You were watching the season finale of (favorite show), trying not to get a case of the feels. As soon as the episode was over, you started crying, not wanting to wait for a whole year to just figure out what happens. Suddenly, you heard your phone ring. You grabbed it, and noticed a text message from a number you didn't recognize, which read:

???: Dude! How's it goin'?

Confused, you replied with:

You: Who is this?

The rest of the conversation went something like this:

???: It's the one and only hero, Alfred Jones!

You: Oh, hey Alfred!

Alfred: Hey there! I'm bored!

You: Well, what do you want to do?

Alfred: Are you busy?

You: No...

Alfred: We should totally throw this awesome slumber party, dudette! It's gonna be wicked cool!

You: At your place, right?

Alfred: Yep! My place at 6:30 sound good to you?

You: Perfect!

Alfred: Yeah! We're gonna have so much fun! We could watch scary movies all night, stuff ourselves with junk food, it's gonna be fun!

You: *giggles* Slow down, Alfie! One step at a time!

Alfred: *pouts* Fine.

You: See you soon!

Alfred: See ya!

****(time skip to when you're at Alfred's)****

   Finally, you were standing in front of his door, waiting to be let in. You already knocked, but it was a long time before someone answered. "Hello there," a boy who looked similar to Alfred smiled shyly. "Um, hi," you replied. "Is Alfred here?" "Yeah, I'll go get him, eh?" he pouted as he noticed you still outside. "You can come in." "Do you mind if I ask who you are?" you asked. "Oh! How rude of me!" he stuttered. "I'm Matthew Williams, Alfred's brother." "I'm (Name) (Surname), one of Alfred's friends," you smiled. "When there's something strange in the neighborhood, who're you gonna call?" Matthew shouted, confusing you. "It's a way to find Alfred when I can't find him," he explained, making you giggle. A few seconds later, the two of you heard footsteps run down the stairs. You turned to see Alfred with a bag of cheese balls and a fist in the air. "Ghost busters!" the energetic sandy-blond man shouted, making you laugh. "Your friend is here, don't you know?" Matthew grinned as you calmed yourself down. "(Name)! You're here!" Alfred cheered as he pulled you into a hug and spun around. "Alfie! Stop it!" you giggled as he let you go. "Do me a favor, (Name)," he smirked. "Spell 'me.'" "M-E," you replied. "You forgot the 'D,'" Alfred chuckled as you raised an eyebrow at him. "But, there's no 'D' in 'me,'" you replied, confused. "Not yet, but there will be soon," he smiled cheekily. Understanding what he meant, you blushed profusely and whined, "Alfie!!" "Haha, calm down, dude!" he laughed. "I'm kidding! Want to watch 'Nightmare on Elm Street?'" "Sure, as long as you don't try any of those shitty pick-up lines on me again," you rolled your eyes as you laughed. "No promises," he smirked, making you blush again. "You're so cute when you're flustered, dude!" "Shut up!" you complained, stealing a few cheese balls from him.



   Living next door to Matthew meant that the two of you talked to each other all the time. One conversation, however, was not like the rest of them. As you were taking a walk around the block, you passed by Matthew's house, and he just so happened to be mowing his front lawn. "Hi, (Name)!" he smiled, waving at you. "Hey, Matthew!" you grinned, returning the wave. "How are you?" "As good as always. How about yourself?" he replied. "I'm doing well, thank you," you answered. "Are you free this afternoon?" he asked. "Yeah, why?" you replied. "Want to come over?" he asked. "Sure!" you replied. "Well, I'll be there in an hour!" "Okay, see you then!" he grinned as he headed to the backyard.

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