Sherri Polo

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AN: this is so dumb and I'm sorry for how badly written it is but whatever.
Teri looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a pair of rolled up blue jeans and a red lace top with a black tank top underneath. She didn't want to dress up too much because it was just a wrap party, but it was the series wrap party and Sherri would be there so she still wanted to make sure she looked nice. Whenever she knew that Sherri was going to be at an event, she always second guessed her outfit. Actually, when Sherri was around she second guessed everything. Even after six seasons of working with her, Teri had never been able to comprehend Sherri's beauty.
After Teri made sure that the baby sitter had all of the phone numbers that she would need to contact her, she headed to The Fosters series wrap party.
As soon as she arrived she started looking around the room for Sherri. When she saw her, she could see that Sherri was looking for her has well. Teri quickly started walking over to Sherri, but slowed down after she realized how pathetic she looked.
"Can you believe that it's over?" Teri said as soon as she finally got over to Sherri.
"It's crazy that it's been six years. It went by so fast. It sucks that we're not gonna be spending everyday together anymore"
"Yea, but we'll still talk everyday right?"
"Of course we will" Sheri grabbed Teri's hand, "we've been friends for too long just to lose contact"
Teri cringed at the word "friends". She hated that word, especially when it came to her relationship with Sherri. She had always said they were such great "friends", but she didn't want to be friends with Sherri.
Teri smiled and started to say something, but she was interrupted by one of their executive producers, Jennifer Lopez.
"I would like to make a toast to this wonderful show. It has changed so many live, including mine, and I was so proud to be a part of it. We broke down barriers and showed people how TV can change the perspective of so many people."
Everyone raised their drinks up and cheered. Teri looked over at Sherri immediately after "I need to talk to you"
Teri took Sherri's hand and lead her into the bathroom. Sherri was very confused, "what is this about?"
Teri checked a of the bathroom stalls before talking "Sherri I love you"
Sherri giggled "I know you've told me a thousand times how much you love me. I love you too"
She was starting to get frustrated "no you don't get it Sherri! I am in love with you."
"Teri I don't understand, I..."
"Please just listen to me" Teri walked over to Sherri, close enough so that they could feel each others breath "whenever I'm around you I can't control anything that I say or do. It's like you have me locked up in chains and I go on dates and I try denying my feelings, but every time I do, the chains get tighter. Every time I try to get away from you, you just pull me in even closer. Ever since the day that I met you, I felt something that I have never felt for anyone else in my life. I didn't even know that love like this existed. Sometimes I can't believe that you're even real. I can't believe that the universe let us find each other. And it hurts me not knowing if you feel the same way." Teri put her hand on the back of Sherri's head, her fingers intertwined in her dark brown, curly hair, "the chains are getting too tight Sherri"
Sherri saw a tear roll down Teri's cheek. She looked into the blondes beautiful eyes, "I feel the chains too"
Their lips met and they both realized what love could truly feel like. They were made for each other.

Sherri PoloWhere stories live. Discover now