The meeting

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kiera POV
I got up pretty early cause someone was banging on my door "hey get up its time to go!" I know that voice from any were... It was my friend Lilly I looked out my window to see she was climbing the tree. I didn't know how she was able to climb the tree "what are you doing here?" It was still dark she finally made it up to the branch near my window. She sat down on it "well you ready to go?" I gave her a confused look "what?" She rolled her eyes and smiled "we're going to the school welcome party." I rolled my eyes I really didn't want to go but I could tell by the look on her face there was no getting out of it "fine give me a sec." I said she laughed and jumped down and landed on her feet. I don't know how the girl is still able to walk. I put on some blue jeans with my favorite shirt on I brushed my blue and brown hair and slipped on my sneakers and walked out. Me and Lilly were both 16 she had on her long blue sleeve shirt with leggings and shorts over them with her combats boots. She had blue hair like me but there lighter than mine. We walked to the school there was a new boy coming and apparently he was a big deal so everyone decided to throw a party for him I could care less Lilly was just going there to crash it or something cause she had her bag of "fun" witch scared me. After a long walk we finally made it to the school and hopped on the elevator and went to the 4th floor. We walked in to see a huge crowd of teenagers I had already lost Lilly so was walking by myself. After a while I got an uneasy feeling Lilly finally found me "hey everyone listen up." We turned out attention to the stage were Alex and the new kid was standing the new guy had silver hair that was kinda long for a guy he also has a jacket on with a black shirt with a triangle on it he also wore goggles witch was weird.

Lilly's POV
I heard something strange over to my left. I looked around but couldn't find it. I looked back at the stage the new guy he said his name was Pietro. I kept hearing that noise most of the teens have left already and the noise became louder. I looked around and couldn't find it. I had no idea what it was or were it was. The noise sounded like a bomb. But before I could do anything there was a blast and I blacked out I landed on my right arm I looked at arm was broke I looked around to see Kiera leaning on the wall just waking up I heard a crack and the floor started to break. It fell and I luckily grabbed on to a bar.

Pietros POV
I heard the floor crack and it fell a girl with blue and brown hair fell along with a girl with lighter blue hair. I slowed down time and picked up the one girl with lighter hair and sat her down safely and ran down the wall and caught the other girl and made it back to the 4th floor and made everything back to normal time "ahh!-" the girl with blue and brown hair looked terrified "put me down." I sat her down she walked over to her friend who's arm was broken. The ambulance and police was called. The girl with light blue hair was sent to the hospital I had to drive her friend there. I got to know there names on our way to the hospital "so Kiera is Lilly your sister?" She shook her head no. I asked a little more questions and got to know her and her friend. We finally made it to the hospital but we had to stay out side the room while they fixed her arm. It felt like forever but it was only a couple minutes until we got to go in. Lilly was laying in the bed her arm in a cast thing "Lilly are you okay!?"

Pietro x KieraUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum