Chapter five Rowdy teenagers

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Jellal's pov.
Nothing serious happened that night. We just made out on the couch for a couple hours, watched old movies, and ate cake. At one point, she asked me a question that was hard for me to answer.
"Jellal, do you love me?" She asked in a serious tone.
"Well, um... Describe love." I said a little hesitant.
"Okay, I'll see if I can explain it to you like this, what would you do if I died?" She said looking me straight in the eye.
"I wouldn't let you die." I said firmly looking back at her.
"Well then, that settles it, you love me. And I would do the same if I was in those shoes so, I love you as well." She said smiling a bit. I was a bit shaken up at the conversation that just happened, just a few days ago we where just friends, and now here we are, admitting out love to each other. But can I really deny it? I've never felt this way about another person, no one has ever made my heart flutter the way she does, I've never craved attention from anyone else.
"So we're dating, right?" She said looking away trying to hide the faint blush rising to her cheeks. I slid my hand next to hers and intertwined out fingers,
"Only if you want us to be."
"Then yes," she looked at me with a love in her eyes that I've never seen before, "we are dating!" She cheered.
We both laughed and kissed once more. She decided that I should stay the night, but she warned that if I tried anything that she would use that big scary sword she kept in her room on me. So we fell asleep in her bed, she wrapped me in a tight hug and I listened to her heart beat.

The next morning I made breakfast while she got ready, and she was pleasantly surprised when she walked out of her bed room. As we walked to school she held my hand, and we talked about how we think Juvia and Grey's date went. Speaking of Juvia and Grey...

Juvia's pov.
As I stirred awake, I noticed that I was still in Grey-sama's big strong arms. Yay! Juvia's date was a succ-OUCH! Stupid hang over, my head hurts so much! Maybe looking at Grey-sama will work! I looked over at Grey-sama and admired how the light touched his face. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed his forehead, hoping that his hang over wasn't as bad as mine. As I looked back at his face and I realized that he had woken up an was staring at me with the reddest blush spread across his face. I blushed as well, giggling a little. I stopped giggling and grimaced in pain, realizing that EVERYTHING hurts a hangover.
"Hangover?" Grey asked and smirked.
"Yeah..." I frowned.
"I know how to fix this." He said and got up off the couch, making me realize that it's cold here without him.
He threw something's in a blender and then gave it to me.
"Drink up." He said as he helped me sit up. I tried to drink it but it was so nasty!
"Just drink it, It will make you feel better." He complained as he tipped the glass more, making the soupy liquid pour down my throat. After it was all gone, Grey told me to get some rest. I grabbed his arm as he tried to walk away.
"Can you stay with Juvia and cuddle?" I said desperately.
"No, I have to go make breakfast." He said tugging his sleeve away. I made the biggest sweetest puppy dog eyes that I possibly could. Grey looked down at me and sighed.
"Only for a couple minuets..." He said as he engulfed me in a giant hug. Oh how happy Juiva is!

{I promise I'll write about NaLu in the next chapter}

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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