Chapter 1 - The First Warning

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Here I am with the very fist chapter of my story. If I wrote some nonsences, please let me know. English is not my native language and it took me a while to translate it. I hope it is uderstanable. May your reading is good enough to give a star or comment. ;) - Yours, Nerea :))

I warned him and what he did with it? Nothing! He didn't listen to me and he could save himself from this! I was really pissed flying from the mesosphere down headfirst. Because of the speed I wasn't able to hear anything and my ears were humming a lot. Furiad just attacked Michael not carrying about Gabriel's orders. Air currents hit me into the face. Just above the ground I unfurled my wings and I land on with a small pulse wave.

I was standing upright with my long black wings around and I intently watched Alex Lannon who panicked looking at Furiad's broken blade in Michael's stomach. My arrival was so majestic that it couldn't be forget. And I got very warm reception.

Sergeant Lannon was aiming on me with his gun. But I couldn't believe him to shoot me as I saw his hand shaking.

"Who the hell you are?" he yelled at me.

"I am friend," I said calmly and took out swords out of the cases on my thighs. I dropped them away from me in order not to scare him. Them I made some steps forward.

"I just want to help him, I swear," I looked down and I viewed Michaels's body on the ground. He was out and didn't move. Blood not really spurted out of his wound but it wasn't just a superficial. He would bleed to death if I would just take the blade out of him.

"I don't believe you," he said against me and with move of his hand he let me know that he is ready to protect him. I wasn't hundred percent sure if he shoot out all of the bullets. I let him believe that I am powerless. But his behaving reminded me of someone. I grimaced.

"As stubborn as Charlie was," I smiled over a memory about women whom gave birth to this blonde tall young man in front of me. "And as same protective as Jeep was," I said standing face to face. His blue eyes gaped at me but then he put down his gun. I knew that if I would show some signs of aggression he'll kill me just like that.

"Do whatever you can. But don't you dare hurt him!" he threatened me. Not like I was scared or something. Instead I bent to Michael. Then I gave a look to Sergeant Lannon.

"We need to get him inside. There is too much dust. The wound could get dirty, that's not what we want," I stated with hands crossed. Sergeant Lannon didn't wait a second and nodded. He bent and took the Archangel under his shoulders. I helped a bit and took his legs. We headed into Lannon's parents' house. I knew exactly where to go to get into their bedroom. We laid him on a border of the bed so I could remove the first blanket which has a thick layer of dust on itself. Michael was lying in the middle of the blankets and he still didn't move anyhow. Thanks to my angelic ears I could hear a slow heartbeat of his.

"I will need a clean cloth, water and something like disinfection," I looked at Alex who without thinking nodded and left the room. I sat next to the Archangel and took a dagger out of my case. I cut his shirt and removed it. Then I unfurled my wing again and brought the right end closer to me in order to rip the longest of my feathers out of it. Its absence will make me to watch over my moves for another week. But Michael was worth it. I hissed pulling it out. I laid it on my thigh. It shone gold thanks to light which came out of covered windows.

Alex was right back with a bottle of fresh water, shirt and another bottle of alcohol. I took the things and started to clean it around the wound.

"Sit down. I will need you," I smiled calmly before I finished the cleaning. Alex knelt beside our half death friend. No, I shouldn't be joking.

"I will take out the blade and you'll pour a lot of the alcohol in it. Then you'll wipe it with that shirt so there won't be a lot of blood. And then you'll let me do what I do best. Because if you won't let me do my best and we'll take the blade out he'll bleed to death, okay?" I gave him very serious look and handed him things that he need.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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