Chapter 1-

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"Hey doll face." I heard a familiar voice say behind my locker door. I turned to my friend Mitch.

"Maybe if we ignore it, it'll go away," I whispered to him. Of course, the 'it' was Cole Smith. Also known as the most annoying, narcassistic, and self-centered jerk of all time.

Or most people call him 'the town bad boy', as if that title means something.

"No such luck," His smirking face appeared as I closed my locker door.

"You keep smirking like that, you'll find it hard to make any facial expression ever again," I growled.

"I'm so scared," Cole groaned sarcastically. What did I do? I punched him square in the nose.

"You are cordially invited to the theological place of eternal punishment," I said, smiling sweetly before skipping off to class.

Well, I tried to skip, but I'm not very good and also wearing combat boots. It doesn't work very well.

"Ms. Williams, would you like to explain to me and the class why exactly you are late?" My history teacher drawled.

"Well, first off, it's 'the class and I', secondly, I was telling Smith that he was cordially invited to the theological place of eternal punishment, which you and the rest of the class are invited to as well," I smirked, watching them slowly figure it out. "Then, I punched him, and oh! I forgot the most important part. I skipped to class."

"Ms. Williams!"

"That's the name."


"Oh, quit threatening me with that, I don't care," I dismissed him with a wave of my hand as the teacher gaped.

"What has gotten into you?!"

"I don't really know."

"I'm going to begin my lesson, and you can go sit in the office and wait for your parents to pick you up."

I froze at that. I didn't have any parents. When my brother was around, he was responsible for me. When he wasn't, I was at the 'orphanage'. It wasn't an orphanage, really. It was more like a group home. We were all female teenagers who went to the same school. That's how I met Cass, whose real name was Cassandra, but she said it was too preppy.

I also met two more important people in my life through the group home. I met Trey Stone, who was in a different home. He was confident and cocky, but most of all, he was sweet and sensitive. I met him because all the homes had dinner or something one night, and he and I just kinda clicked. He was more of a brother to me than my own flesh and blood.

The second person I met was Dexy. Dexy was...strange and extremely, and I mean extremely weird. Almost as weird as me, and that's saying something. She was outgoing and everything I wasn't. She was basically perfect. She was always trying to take care of me, even though I'm ten months older. She's overall a great human being.

"Ms. Williams? Did you hear me?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm going," I sighed, picking up my things and scowling when a guy whistled at me. I slammed the door on my way out.

I got to my locker to see the person I wanted to see the most; Cole.

Note the sarcasm.

"And you're here because...?" I asked, glaring at him while putting in my combination.

"Ya know, there's a trick to that. Shut your locker and I'll show you," He said, completely ignoring my question. I did like he said, because putting in the combination took a long time.

"You have to hit it in the right spot," He said. "Don't worry, it won't hurt your locker," He added, assuming I cared.

"Whatever. Just don't mess it up too bad, I kinda need it."

Cole hit the part of my locker right above the lock with the side of his fist, and it sprang open. "See?" (a/n this doesn't actually work, I know.)

"Whatever, you narsassitic jerk," I mumbled.

"Ah, you want me. You know you do," He winked, and I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"Ew. No," I said, putting one of my hands on his chest and trying to push him away. I looked up at his face, annoyed, only to find him mere centimeters away. I heard his breath hitch in his throat, only for him to smirk a moment later.

I hate the guy, but his could get lost in them, you could just stare into his eyes all day. They were a perfect stormy grey, and always shifting from dark to light. It made me mad.

"Whatever, Smith. I have to go," I growled. I went to where I always hid my board and skated through the school a little bit before crouching down and waiting for the impact of the doors.
I came to a fork in the 'road'. One was a shortcut down a dark alley, and the other was well-lit and took 45 minutes to get back to the group home on.

I only had 25.

I decided on the dark alley. While skating though it,there was a creepy middle-aged guy.

"Hey, pretty." He gave me a toothy smile. Literally. He only had like five teeth.

"Stay away from me," I hissed. I didn't want this guy anywhere near me.

"I'm not tryna be like tha', why are you?" He have me another smile and came closer, causing me to skate even faster down the alley.

"Hey, little lady! It ain't safe out here!"

I was almost to the home when a van came around the corner and headed towards me. They weren't trying to run me over, so I just casually moved to the side.

But when I looked back, the van had stopped and was turning around. There was not way I could out-skate that.

"Get in, Williams." I whipped around to see Cole in his car, leaning across the seat and unlocking the passenger door. "These people are bad news."

I didn't want to be with him, but at least I knew he wouldn't murder me.

I nodded quickly and jumped inside the car, and he floored it.

"So, why aren't you at school?" I asked, trying to
make conversation.

"You actually care?" He snorted.

"No, I'm just trying to make small talk," I said cheekily. "I don't exactly like this situation."

"Would you rather me leave you out there?"

"I said I didn't like it, not that I wanted out of it."

He smiled. "You sure are something, Williams; you sure are something."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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