77 8 3

Calbeardontcare: daddy (:

Michaelmg: out with lukey, can't talk

Calbeardontcare: yes you can

Michaelmg: he's gonna make me put it away

Calbeardontcare: say you have to use the restroom

Michaelmg: fiiiinnnee

Calbeardontcare: tell me when you're there

Michaelmg: i'm here (:

Calbeardontcare: *picture message * (nudes btw)

Michaelmg: i'm getting a Bonner wtf do i tell luke??

Calbeardontcare: you won't have to tell him anything if we get rid of it. ((;

Michaelmg: we??

Calbeardontcare: well I'm gonna tell you what to do and you're gonna do it.

Michaelmg: oh shit he's in the restroom....what do i do? FUCK YOU CALUM

Calbeardontcare: stay Calm tell him you're taking a shit

Michaelmg: ok...

Michaelmg: then what??

Calbeardontcare: tell him to wait outside

Calbeardontcare: we don't want him to hear you scream my name do we?

Michaelmg: done...now what?

Calbeardontcare:unzip your pants daddy

Michaelmg: ok...Done

Calbeardontcare: wrap your hand around your cock


Calbeardontcare: whoops

Calbeardontcare: I guess you have to work on being quiet

Michaelmg: He's leaving...he's mad at me :(

Michaelmg: my lukey is upset i have to go...

Calbeardontcare: does it make me a bad person that I'm laughing so fucking hard ?!

Calbeardontcare: fine bye, tell your boyfriend I'm sorry

Michaelmg: why are you laughing😭

Calbeardontcare: go talk to your boyfriend bye

Michaelmg: don't be mad with me :((

Michaelmg: babe...come backk

Calbeardontcare: you're not my favorite person right now Michael

Michaelmg: what did i do...can i make it up to you??:)

Calbeardontcare: nudes?

Michaelmg: first tell me why you mad at me:(

Calbeardontcare: because you flirt with me then you leave me for like I can't keep up with you!

Michaelmg: i'm sorry... :(

Calbeardontcare: don't say it if you don't mean it

Michaelmg: i do.. it's just he's my first love...

Michaelmg: But i think i may be getting feelings for you...idk

Calbeardontcare: I've been having feelings for you! Which is why I feel like trash when you bring him up.

Michaelmg: i'm sorry cally:-(

Calbeardontcare: just talk to me when you clear your feelings up

Michaelmg: NO DON'T LEAVE ME....

Calbeardontcare: bye Michael

Michaelmg: bye:-(

Dun dun dun dun

Are you horny cause I sure as hell am

Well 369 words yay longest chapter so far

I don't really have anything important to say but yea ily

QOTC: what would you do if you were in Luke's place
-Claudia and Claire 💖

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