My story

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" I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, the rock seemed the better choice because the hard place was a cement wall no way under, over or around, everything was pich black. This was a dream no a nightmare, no it was my reality. Ever since my dad died or left it felt like everyone one was against me. No one was there for me.

Till one day things seen at the worst point. Then i saw it, i saw the light". I finished telling jackson, he looked like he felt the pain I felt when I thought back to those days.

"What was the light" he asked so curious and caring.

"The light was my best friend bay" i said smiling at the thought of I'm.

Jacksons low growl snapped my away from my thought.

"Jackson I know what your thinking and I do not have a crush on him at all, he is like a brother to me, you egg" he instantly relaxed.

" I'm sorry princess, i don't like people touching what's mine" he said with a smirk.

"if you get to make a nickname for me i get to make one for you, jacky. I said beaming.

"6 months later i met Jess one of my best friends, i met her at school we had the same classes, i guess fate pushed us together. Then i met Ricky, i met her though jess she was her friend. Then we all became friends. Jess, Ricky and i. At Christmas that year I introduced them to bay then before I new it we where all the best of friends, we did every thing together". I said to jacky.

"How old are you, jess,Ricky and bays. He replied.

"Well jess is 18, I'm 17 going on 18 soon, Ricky is 16 and so is bay. How old are you jacky. I said finishing with i question.

"Well princess I'm 19". Jacky said.

" Jackson how did you find me in the fire" i asked
" i was watching over you that night princess " he replied
" were you that black wolf i saw"

"Yes that was me, your father told me about you so i went to watch over you, and when you came to the window i knew you were my mate and i followed you to your house, and when you went in and didn't come out, i came in a saw you, i picked you up and brought you here, and i grabbed bay and brought him back to the pack, Matt grabbed jess too, but she wouldn't leave Ricky there so Matt got Ricky too". He replied

"So Rickys here. And why did come watch over me for" i asked

"Because Kevin got a call from your adopted mother saying that you two had a fight, and bay couldn't find you. Also vampers are looking for our weakness and will kill anyone or take anyone to get an vantage over us. So I came to watch over you, That night they set fire to your house. luckily no one was in the house at the time". He told me

" babe can we go see Ricky and bay tomorrow, and do you know where my phone is". I said sleepily.

"Shore thing princess, i will go get it ok, you wait here. Hope in our bed". He said smirking.

"Hey i need some pj's" i said.

He suddenly changed course and went our to his dresser, and grabbed out one of his t shirts and throwing it at me. "Wear this" he said before walking out.

Once he was gone i took off my shirt and jeans and slipped Jacksons black t shirt on, it was long and losse on me and smelt just like jackson, i loved him.

I pulled the blankets down and jumped in and layed down in Jacksons, no our bed as he said him self.

Jackson walked in interrupting my thought and handed me my phone" when i found you, you had this in your had" he said passing me the purple box bay gave me.

"Thanks" i say just i am opening it. As i rip off the rapping paper, i find a gold chane attached a to circle with a wolf howling to the moon and on a piece of paper was my favorite saying. Maybe the wolf was in love with moon and ever night it crys to a love it will never touch. Which put a smile on my face from ear to ear. And i placed the necklaces around my neck.

"What is it" jacky ask while jumping in the bed next to me only wearing boxer, i blush at the thought.

" just a necklaces" i said

"Good night my princess" he said as he rapped his strong muscular arms around my waist.
"Good night jacky" i said nuzzling my head against his chest.


My eyes flutter open to the sound of light breathing, i started looking for the point of origin to realize it was just jackson . I wasn't really used to any sounds in my old room, It was always dead quite. I looked over to jackson again and smiled at him and remembered what he said last night.

I swang my leg over the bed side and stood up. I grabbed my phone and just as i was tuning it on it slipped out of my hands, and smash into my big toe, which made me scream out in pain, and in a instance jackson was standing in front of me in a fighting stance, "what are you doing" i yelled at him still in pain. He suddenly turned around a inspected me for injury " my toe my toe, my toe" i screamed at him.

He pulled me close to him, and looked into my eyes and before I knew it he placed his lips on mine and all the pain went away. Then jackson pulled away and smiled at me" what you doing princess" he said with his hands on my hips.

" i want to go see Ricky and bay" i pouted.

"Not like that, i will go you some clothes, you can go hop in the shower if you want" he suggested and releasing me for his grip.

I went over to Jacksons bathroom and shut the door, took my clothes off, turn the shower on and claimed in, and let the hot water run over me.


After ten minutes i hoped out of the shower and found some clothes that jackson left for me, i put on some black skinny jeans and a white that said im your's, you cheeky ass i thought. I tried my hair up in a messy bun, cause I don't want to do anything else.

I opened the door so see jackson sitting on the bed waiting for me," ready " he said with a smirk looking at my t shirt.

So i hope you like it, and what do u think of her first kiss, and the photos upper bove, later on i will she yous a pic of destiny and jackson. Vote comment.

Be careful what you wish for?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora