When the 'missing girl' becomes not so missing and his 'alive sister' becomes not so alive, Adrian is left with a million questions. The only way to answer them is to channel his inner Sherlock Holmes and help the missing girl fill in the blanks of...
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Kate, who inspired me to post this story even when I was worried that it wouldn't fit in on Wattpad
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THE SUMMER OF 2020 HAD BEEN BRUTAL FOR AUCKLAND. Heat had clung to the air, and each breath Ariana Steele took was hotter than the last. Her brain felt like a humid can of worms – useless.
Nothing was helping. Every time she thought she was a step closer to figuring anything out, it turned out that she was ten steps away from the start line. And the heat was doing nothing to placate her.
Ariana's office lacked the air conditioning that cooled the rest of the café. She could feel the sweat bubbling in between her breasts and gathering on her upper lip. Suddenly, it felt like the walls were closing in on her. She wiped her face with a rag, its uncomfortable material dragging her foundation around.
She stepped out of the office and into the café. A blast of refreshing cold air hit her, and she questioned the time she spent locked away in her cramped office. The café was empty, chairs stacked upside down on the wooden tables. It was quiet, the closed sign had been turned over facing anyone that strolled by. Oliver was busy wiping down the machines, while Karishma closed the kitchen.
"Everything going alright?" Ariana asked, her eyes roaming over the café.
Oliver peered at her over his shoulder. "Yes, boss."
Ariana slid the door to the cabinet open. Clipboard in hand, she wrote down whatever was left.
"You know I've got a name, right?"
Oliver responded with a mock salute. "Yes, boss."
Ariana only shook her head. Her smile lingered as she took the left over cakes and sandwiches out.
"Do you two want anything to take home?"
Karishma stormed out of the kitchen, apron still on. Her eyes zoned in on the last slice of carrot cake. "Cora's carrot cake is to die for."
Ariana whole heartedly agreed. Cora was the best baker Big Sister's Café had.
"Alright," Ariana said, holding the plate out to Karishma, "you can pack it."She directed her attention to Oliver. "You want anything?"
Oliver waved the dirty cloth. "Nah, but I can take down it to Queen Street if you want."
"Are you sure?" Ariana peeked at the leather watch on her wrist. "I was getting around to doing it."
"Nah, boss. I can do it; I'm going that way to catch the train anyways." He smiled at her. "Plus, you look like you need a break."
Ariana's hand came down to rest on her hip. "What are you trying to say, Oliver?"
Karishma chimed in, "That you look like crap."
Ariana gaped at her employee.
"No offense," Oliver jumped in.
She gave them a look. "Offense taken."
Oliver rubbed the back of his neck abashedly. "Running a café can be exhausting, we get it."
Ariana's face tightened. The café had indeed taken a toll on her, but that wasn't what had been keeping her up at night. "
I'll pack these up and you can take them down."
Ariana moved, grabbing old newspapers to wrap them in. The line of homeless people on Queen Street didn't care for fancy bags or wrapping, they were just happy to bite into an almond coated sponge slice.
"Thanks again, Oliver." She placed them into a bag, passing it over to him. He quickly ran into the back room, grabbing his stuff.
As he stepped out of the door with Karishma in tow, she called out, "Remember to not tell them where you work!"
Ariana had made the mistake the first time she had given food out. A mistake that she wasn't looking to repeat. Through the glass, Ariana watched Oliver salute her before pressing the button to the elevator. She turned around, running through the closing checklist. All their ducks seemed to be in row.
Ariana slipped away into her office, her fingers filling in the roster for the next month. Mia had applied for two weeks off to visit her grandma in the Philippines, and Ariana had completely forgotten to take that into account when she had prepared the roster.
It was a rookie mistake, one that Ariana would never have been caught making. But circumstances were different right now.
Her eyes drifted from her screen to where the manuscript by Mae sat. Just as she dragged her gaze back to the screen, a ding sounded. Ariana was familiar with the sound of the bell that rested on the counter. At the recognition, her body stiffened. Oliver nor Karishma would ring the bell.
She stood up from her chair, her fingers ready on her phone with emergency services on speed dial. Some may have called Ariana paranoid, but she believed that she wasn't cautious enough. Her heart pounded against her ribcage, anticipating the worst. As she stepped through the door, her eyes landed on a man she hadn't seen before.
He was tall, much taller than her. Ariana had always felt short next to her brother, but this man could've given Adrian a run for his money. He had a cleanly trimmed beard, along with an equally clean-cut black suit on his body. He had sharp features that belonged on a magazine.
"Ariana Steele," he said, as his lips curved into a smile.
Ariana almost smiled back.
"I've been looking for you."
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If you didn't know already, I'll be updating this story every Friday! The story will be told in 3rd POV keeping Maebel, Adrian and Ariana in mind.
I very much recommend paying attention to the dates, especially for chapters that Ariana is involved in. What was it like reading from her perspective?