Chapter 3

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Wow, a whole day with Zelda, awesome. Too bad It’s almost over. Just the evening is left. We’re upon the Statue of the Goddess. ‘Link?’ she says, ‘because you won the Race, you get this.’ She gives me some sort of cape. ‘ it’s a stalicloth. You can use it if you need to jump from big heights. So can you never get hurt from the fall.’ ‘so, now we need to end it traditionaly. Do you know what that means?’ ‘i have no idea.’ ‘okay, i’ll explain it then.’ She comes closer to me. Closer. Even closer. Are we about to kiss or something? Suddenly she says quickly ‘jump of the statue!’ and she pushes me off. A crap think fast link! Use the capey thingy! Luckly i land save. That almost went wrong. But i’m safe on the ground. Zelda comes down. ‘it was a nice day with you.’ ‘i think the same.’ I reply. ‘ should we go for a quick flight?’ she asks. Well i can’t say no to that.

Two minutes later we’re flying aroud skyloft. ‘Link?’ she says suddenly. ‘ there’s something i want to tell you for a long time. I know you for years, and i don’t want to break our friendship, but I...’ BOOM were did that tornado come from? ‘quick! We need to get away!’ i say. Too late. Zelda is pulled in it. ‘NO ZELDA!’ as fast as i can i fly to her. I can’t catch her. Painfully i see her fall away. Down through the clouds. I don’t know of there’s anything down there. Maybe she’s dead. Maybe she lives. I don’t know. I do know that i have to save her. the tornado is still there. I’m too shocked to flight. Wait, that tornado, it looks diffrent. It’s strange. I’ve never seen something like that. What is it? Or who is it? Suddenly i wake up out of my shock and know i need to get away here. Back to skyloft. I need to get to the headmaster as quick as possible. Quick! Get away! As I flight, goes Suddenly everything black.

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